Counting Palestine Refugees # The fetid, dark heart of the Arab war on Israel, I have long argued, lies not in disputes over Jerusalem, checkpoints, or “settlements.” Rather, it concerns the so-called Palestine refugees. So called because of...

Abbas is right – Education can incite Mahmoud Abbas's recent speech in the UN included a reference to the inciting Israeli books that encouraged the latest surge of violence committed by Jewish settlers aimed at hurting Palestinian citizens. This violence "is the...

How the World Enabled 25 Years of Palestinian Decline One of the saddest comments I’ve ever heard was Gaza resident Ziad Ashour’s statement to the New York Times last week. Ever since the first intifada erupted in 1987, the 43-year-old butcher said, “things...

Manipulating International Law as Part of Anti-Israeli “Lawfare” Vol. 13, No. 16 2 June 2013 Israel’s record of compliance with international law is remarkably strong. In a long series of decisions, the Israeli High Court has ordered the Israeli government, army, and security...

J Street’s Spin Reversed by CAMERA Op-Ed The Washington Jewish Week featured J Street, the self-described “pro-Israel, pro-peace” lobby in page one articles twice in April, published J Street opinion columns once that month and again in the May 16 edition,...

Secret Palestinian report warns of danger of new intifada,7340,L-4472326,00.html A secret report by one of the Palestinian security services - obtained by Ynet - paints a worrying picture of a possible explosion in terror in the West Bank in the coming year. The...

Political NGOs Push for Another “Goldstone Pseudo-Investigation Following Israel’s response to hundreds of attacks launched from Gaza, the network of international, Palestinian, and Israeli-Arab NGOs have initiated a campaign to replicate the discredited “Goldstone process” of political warfare against Israel, including: calling...

Palestinian Reactions to the Wye River Memorandum III

Revising the Charter and Security Issues Part II, Section C, Paragraph 2, of the Wye River Memorandum, requires the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian Central Council to reaffirm the January...

A State in the Making: Rights and Duties

President Arafat's mention of a possible confederation with Jordan has stirred numerous comments. The president's remarks, however, need to be understood in the context in which they were spoken. At the time he made the...

Egyptian Al-Ahram: Peace Only if ’48 Refugees Return Home

Full Text: Even if the statement made by US President Bill Clinton last week that millions of Palestinian refugees "should be given the freedom to settle wherever they want to" was a "slip of the...