Peres on eve of state visits abroad: Lauds Abbas & Fayad Ignores their schools-... This month, Israel’s President, Shimon Peres, travels to Canada and to the United States. Israel’s president is not supposed to make political statements nor engage in diplomatic forays. Israel’s presidency is supposed to be largely a...

The Rhetoric of Nonsense For nearly two decades the Palestinian Authority (PA) has been denying Israel's right to exist, and a recent "Nakba Day" was no exception. In a Gaza speech on behalf of Mahmoud Abbas, his personal...

Poll No. 78, Dec. 2012 – Gaza, Resistance and the UN Bid Summary: Two weeks after the end of the war, a public opinion poll conducted by the JMCC, with support of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung East Jerusalem, aimed at studying the impact of the Gaza war and the...

UN Representative Richard Falk Compares Terror Group Hamas to WWII French Resistance The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the ‘Palestinian territories’ has compared Hamas terrorists to French resistance fighters during World War II. Richard Falk, well known for his anti-Israel positions, made the statements in an article...

Results: Abraham Center for Middle East Peace If Pigs Could Fly Polls Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA: The Israeli media was filled today with the result of the two "If pigs could fly" polls commissioned by the Daniel Abraham Center for Middle East Peace. Why "if pigs...

Poll: Spike in Palestinian support for military operations against Israel Palestinian support for military operations against Israel has registered its most significant jump in 10 years, spurred by the recent Gaza conflict, ongoing Israeli settlement expansion, and frustration over a peace process that has...

AusAID and UNRWA A Jerusalem-based research organisation has written to AusAID’s office in Ramallah quoting passages in textbooks used in UNRWA funded Palestinian schools inciting strong anti-Israel sentiment. UNRWA is partially funded by AusAID who receive financial...

US AID should place conditions on it’s donation to the Palestinians The Jerusalem Post reported in its August 18 edition that the US and the Palestinian Authority signed a $148 million economic aid agreement. Our agency asked PA officials where the money was going. The answer: education,...

Still bickering over Balfour Last year, on the 95th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, the former Palestinian minister, Nabil Shaath, wrote an article in the Daily Telegraph attacking Britain for issuing its famous statement of support for the...

Don’t Fall for the Hoax that Mandela Is Anti-Israel! Don’t fall for the false claim that Nelson Mandela was anti-Israel! It is based on a hoax--a letter written by anti-Israel activist Arjan El Fassed more than a decade ago in the style of...