Gaza’s tunnels rebound from Israeli offensive

RAFAH, Gaza Strip (AP) - Rafah's biggest industry is back in business: Gazans are rebuilding the network of underground smuggling tunnels crisscrossing the Egyptian border that were pummeled in a recent Israeli offensive, restoring...

UNRWA Investigating Jordanian Official Who Quoted Hitler The United Nations’ refugee arm has launched an investigation into one of its top Jordanian officials after he posted on his Facebook page a “motivational” poster featuring Nazi leader Adolf Hitler. Dr. Fares Haider, reportedly...

PM playing with fire,7340,L-4450149,00.html When the 17 basic demands of the Palestinians became known, even impassioned peace camp followers were alarmed by them. If I were a Palestinian, I would respond with the following monologue: "What surprises you? Our...

A Letter from the Students for Justice in Palestine (among others) Several students from Students for Justice in Palestine have just written a letter to the university newspaper. They asked why Jewish students on campus weren’t open to a more moderate pro-two-state solution of the...

Saudi Arabia, Iran, and the “Clash within a Civilization” No one has ever been able to travel to the Gulf without discovering just how different the perspectives and values of the West and the Middle East can be. During the last two...

Official PA Radio: The Voice of Palestine: November 30

Summary and Analysis VOP chose to highlight economic issues in its morning news program, featuring four items on the deprivations forced on the Palestinian people by the Israeli closures. The news bulletins continued to lead...

Lights, Camera, Intifada

The violence in the Mideast has become a war of images, in which the press is the key to victory Byline: Stephanie Gutmann is the author of The Kinder, Gentler Military (Scribner). Body Day after day the seemingly...

Official Palestinian Radio News: The Voice of Palestine (V.O.P.) March 6th

Summary and Analysis On the second day of the Feast of the Sacrifice, V.O.P. gave slight news coverage and interviewing, but expanded generally on several themes it has been broaching recently: broad condemnations of Israeli war...

A Message to Europe

The world is divided into two camps. On one side are those people who see terrorism as a warning of danger ahead. Unless something is done, they say, a catastrophe may happen. On the...

Israeli Position Renders Balfour Declaration Obsolete

Lawyers representing Israel in its bid to defend the vacuation/Compensation Law (the Disengagement Plan), negate the Balfour Declaration as a basis for Jews to settle in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza. The lawyers made their controversial...