Peace Will not be Achieved While the Palestinian Refugees are Denied eir right of...

Gaza 15th May 2001 Wafa- (Official Palestine News Agency) President Yasser Arafat said today in a televised speech broadcasted by all Palestinian medias on the 53rd anniversary of Alnakba that the Israeli military force escalation...

Iran, Hamas Declare Cyber War On Israel

Declassified Israeli intelligence reports issued this week report that both Iran and Hamas have made a coordinated strategic decision to make extensive use of the Internet to wage their battle for hearts and minds. Between...

Does the Palestinian Authority official media prepare their people for war against the US?

It would indeed seem that the official Palestinian Authority media has been increasing their enmity toward the United States. The sentiment could be seen particularly during the sermons broadcast on PA radio and television. On...

Abbas Condemned Terror in English, for Jews in New York, But not in Arabic,...

This past Tuesday morning, Palestinian Authority (PA) foreign minister Riad Malki announced on the Voice of Israel Radio that PA leader Mahmoud Abbas would meet with Jewish community representatives in New York during his...

UNRWA’s limited aid focus in Syria, and its consequences Since March 2011, Syria has fallen into a vicious civil war in which over 100,000 people have lost their lives while 1.5 million have fled or been displaced. Before the outbreak of the war,...

Text: Insultingly silly Palestinian NGO statement against death of 17 year old Palestinian who... Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA: Sometimes there are events that are not clear cut. But in this case a 17 year old pointed a gun at an Israeli soldier's head at a checkpoint. There wasn't much of...

Palestinian Authority president stealing millions in aid, Middle East experts say Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has allegedly deposited nearly $13 million in U.S. taxpayer aid into a secret bank account, and routinely uses his political connections to profit from the stagnant peace process, according...

Bennett orders seizure of PA funds for families of Arab Israeli terror convicts

Defense Minister Naftali Bennett on Wednesday declared he was taking steps to make sure that “Jewish blood will no longer be financially lucrative,” after signing an order to prevent families of Arab Israelis convicted...

Teaching Destruction of Israel in the Mainstream Schools of the Palestinian Authority

As this is being written, in late August 2006, news wires around the world are running a story that Machmud Abbas, head of the Palestinian Authority, has launched a new peace initiative with Israel. However,...

Reports which distort Israeli reality…About Israel’s “Peace Partners”

1 Fatah's Intentions.. The standard reports in the media portray Machmud Abbas and the Fatah as peace partners for Israel in the current middle east negotiations. Rarely do we find any news reports which quote a...