The Palestinian Accountability Act One of the more intractable components of our foreign policy dating back to the Clinton years has been the obsession of creating a Palestinian state. The career egghead diplomats in the State Department believed...

Gaza Prepares to Declare Independence (From Palestine) It's no secret that Hamas, the Palestinian Islamist faction that controls Gaza, has long considered exchanging its underground smuggling tunnels to Egypt for a policy of above-board trade. What has only recently begun to...

The Long-Term Implications of the Israel-Hamas Clash Vol. 12, No. 26 21 November 2012 The current clash between Israel and Hamas did not begin with rocket fire but with ramped-up terror activity on the Israel-Gaza border. Hamas’ strategy has changed over the...

The Useful Myth that Obama Now Likes Israel Reality, especially in 2012, is very hard to face. So many hopes dashed; so many bad things happening. So people can be forgiven for taking refuge in wishful thinking. Sometimes, not telling the truth...

Softball Reporting:. Examining A NEWS INTERVIEW WITH FAYAD

On January 18, 2013, The Jerusalem Post magazine featured a parody of an interview with the non elected Palestinian Arab Authority Prime Minister Fayad, characterized by softball questions that provided Fayad with an opportunity...

What Will Happen Now with U.S. Middle East Policy? Turkish Reader: Haven’t you understood yet that the US does not care about whether a Muslim country is ruled by Sharia or by secular law as long as that regime is pro-American?...

Kerry’s Antagonism Unmasked EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: John Kerry has abandoned America’s honest broker stance in Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. His warnings about the coming isolation of Israel and of a third Intifada - unless Israel quickly allows the emergence of...

Jenin shows economic wellbeing does not eradicate terror

Rising living standards reduce the number of Palestinians joining terror organizations but acts of terror persist. The start of the operation in Jenin this morning by the Israel Defense Forces represents the culmination of a...

Exercises in the Art of War

The Chairman of the Palestinian Authority is nervous and speaks aggressively. Hamas and the activists get the hint: He will not oppose a little "pressure" on Israel, which will also press the Americans. The...

Official PA Radio News – the PBC Radio, November 2, A.M.

In its prime-time news round-up at 7 a.m., the Voice of Palestine ignored the meeting between Yasser Arafat and Shimon Peres last night. Instead, VOP continued to emphasize military confrontation with Israel inits headlines and...