The Status of “Palestine” at the United Nations Two Palestinian documents recently made public deserve attention: the Palestinian request for non-member state status at the United Nations General Assembly,1 and the speech made by President Abu Mazen on November 11, 2012 at...

RAMALLAH AND BERLIN: REFLECTIONS ON GERMANY’S VOTE AT THE UN RE: THE PA STATEHOOD... There are a lot of reasons I can think of why Germany ought to have voted "no" in response to the Palestinian unilateral bid for statehood at the UN, one which Mahmoud Abbas declared...

Dominic Lawson: So who still thinks Israel is the root of Middle East problems? Forget the massacre of thousands in Syria and Egypt, whether by chemical weapons or more conventional methods of mass slaughter. The Middle Eastern issue galvanising some of our musical mega-stars and their followers, even...

Origin of the Palestinian claim of a ‘right of return’ Reports emanating from the current Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations reveal that the Palestinian side continues to demand recognition of “a right of return,” under which about 5 million Palestinians now living outside Israel would migrate...

UN: Terrorism from Palestinians against Israelis will be rewarded – again

Even by U.N. standards, last week’s vote at UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee meeting in Krakow, Poland, was diplomatic theater at its most absurd. With civil war, ethnic and religious cleansing and ISIS terrorism blowing Muslim and Christian sites to...

Regavim Documents Palestinian Authority’s Fervent Support for Hamas Massacre

The Regavim Movement publicized a catalog of official Palestinian Authority expressions of support for Hamas, including calls for donations, encouragement for Hamas terrorists, and calls for active participation in confrontations with Israeli civilians and...

From the Battle of Badr to Military Defeat: Changes in Hamas Perceptions of the...

The Hamas invasion of Israel on October 7, 2023 was quickly characterized by Hamas as fulfillment of a prophecy about the destruction of Israel. Hamas cast the invasion as a Palestinian version of the...

When the Perceived Security Interests of Israel and the US Clash

There are times when the perceived security interests of the US and Israel clash. Yet every time that American and Israeli security interests do not coincide, people seem surprised. In 1984, former New York Times...

Al-Ahram: Peace Offensive, Israel’s Security, Beyond Oslo

The following are selections from articles which appeared in the Egyptian English weekly, "Al-Ahram" of Al-Ahram Weekly, 18th - 24th June, 1998 Truthful Lies, Respectable Murder by Radwa Ashour The Egyptian-Israeli peace offensive is a new...

What did Arafat Convey in his Speeches of December 16 and December 17?

#1 Only groups that carry out "terror" will be outlawed "Dear Brothers, we have declared a state of emergency and conducted series of actions and measure, that we intend to proceed with, as announcing the...