Official PA radio news: Not to Open Fire on Israeli Targets from Inside. P.B.C....

Friday Afternoon Summary and Analysis, February 23 In its Friday 4 p.m. afternoon broadcast, V.O.P. relayed the instructions of the Fatah movement not to open fire on Israeli targets from inside residential areas. As in...

Colonel Rajoub Describes Israel’s Breaches of the Tenet Work Plan

Palestine Media Center (PMC) Sunday, June 17, 2001 Today 17 June, Palestinian chief of Preventive Security in the West Bank, Colonel Jibreel Rajoub held a press conference at the Palestine Media Center (PMC). The conference...

Inside the Palestinian Authority Media: The Baghdad-Ramallah Connection

For months, the Palestinian Authority has tried to play down its support for Iraq. PA approval for the regime of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and his efforts to conceal weapons of mass destruction from...

ISM: A Group Supports Terror Cloaked in Peace

Being a neutral observer in a war zone is a difficult one. But when these observers are actually partisans masquerading as objective "monitors" of the treatment of civilians, then the images of the conflict...

There is no joy in Mudville, Ramallah

While the entire Arab world covered the Saddam Hussein capture in great detail, the official Palestine Broadcasting Corporation radio carried a short, curt announcement of his incarceration, and Arafat issued a brief statement about...

Ariel Sharon Positions Himself at the Beck and Call of the U.S. State Department

For the past decade, U.S. demands for Israel to dismantle Jewish communities in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, the Golan Heights and the Gaza strip were sweetened with talk of a " peace process" and economic...

UN Dollars for Terror

Reading the material on the website for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine (UNRWA), one gets a picture of "a relief and development agency, providing education, healthcare, social services and emergency...

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon on Disengagement, Iran, Syria, the PA, the US election and...

also included the clear statement that it is impossible to ignore the new realities on the ground - the large settlement blocs", when in fact Bush did not mention one word about "large...

Hudna, Hamas and the Continued Armed Struggle

Over the past three weeks, since the death of Yassir Arafat, rumors have been rampant about a major breakthrough with the Islamic Hamas organization. On Friday, December 3rd, 2004, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency went so...

The Palestinian Authority: Facing Genuine Financial Crisis or Not?

Children are begging on the streets. The medical system is on the verge of collapse. The Palestinian Authority appears to be facing a humanitarian crisis of major dimensions - presumably because donors have decided...