Israel at Peace Those concerned with the security and welfare of the Jewish state keep asking questions like "Is Israel Doomed? " and Will Israel Survive? (also in French, Israël peut-il survivre? ). One even titled a...

UN Representative Richard Falk Compares Terror Group Hamas to WWII French Resistance The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the ‘Palestinian territories’ has compared Hamas terrorists to French resistance fighters during World War II. Richard Falk, well known for his anti-Israel positions, made the statements in an article...

Western Media Ignores Hamas Crackdown on Journalists Poor Harriet Sherwood, missing the big picture while obsessively reporting about the latest round of Middle East peace talks that promise to end the six-decade-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict in a mere nine months. While Sherwood, the...

SWC Attends Knesset Briefing on Textbooks in UNRWA-funded schools in Palestinian territories – None... June 24, 2013 SWC Associate Dean Rabbi Abraham Cooper attended briefing at Israel's Knesset reviewing the Palestinian Textbooks used in UNWRA schools in Gaza and the West Bank. The funding for the schools are provided...

Israel-Egypt anti-terrorism cooperation at zenith An Egyptian soldier stands near the Egyptian national flag and the Israeli flag at the Taba crossing between Egypt and Israel, about 430 kilometers (256 miles) northeast of Cairo, Oct. 26, 2011. (photo by...

Wiesenthal Center Urges 47-Member UN Human Rights Council to Investigate Hamas Over the Deaths...

The Simon Wiesenthal Center is urging the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) to investigate the death of at least 160 Palestinian children who were used by Hamas to build their terror tunnels. “Hamas officials...

Regards from Israel, by Dr. Einat Wilf Dear Friends, Let’s face it, it has been a terrible summer. Even for those of us lucky enough not to have had to mourn the personal loss of a loved one, this summer of war...

On Palestinian Aid and Accountability

The decision to resume American aid to the Palestinians is a classic example of cart-before-the-horse thinking that has existed in one form or another for the past seven decades. Upwards of $235 million dollars...

Palestinians’ Summer Camps To Kill Jews

For more than a decade, the Iranian-backed Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hamas terror groups have been holding summer camps for thousands of schoolchildren throughout the Gaza Strip. These camps have served as a...

No Word of Condemnation From Arafat to His Own People in Their Own Language

In the aftermath of the bombs that blew up in Jerusalem's Machane Yehudah open air market today in Jerusalem, our news agency, which covers the peace process and the fledgling Palestine Authority, listened intently...