Israeli Peace Now MK Launches Attack Against Official Palestinian Authority Media

This week, Meretz Knesset member and Peace Now leader Ron Cohen unleashed an unprecedented attack against the Palestinian Authority's PBC (Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation) Radio and TV Station, describing PBC broadcasts and telecasts as "subversive...

Covering a Conference to Mobilize Support for the PLO in Jerusalem

The Invitation: "SHAML Palestinian Refugee & Diaspora Center & The Alternative Information Center Humanitarian and Political Aspects of the Palestinian Condition Wednesday afternoon, 8 January 2003 Ambassador Hotel, East Jerusalem Palestinian Refugee and Diaspora Center (Shaml) and the...

Profile of Abu Mazen, a Candidate for PA Prime Minister who Revises the Story...

While European Union officials praised Yasser Arafat's decision to appoint his first-ever prime minister, historians of the Holocaust winced at the news that a leading candidate for the job is the author of a...

A Critique of the “Nusseibeh-Ayalon” Campaign

Sari Nusseibeh's and Ami Ayalon's declaration of principles is strewn with potholes and political pitfalls. For example, the fiction of "two states for two peoples," that is mentioned in the sense that in the...

“Voice of Palestine” of the Palestinian Authority Praises Murder of a Pregant Woman and...

The PA radio, known as the PBC "Voice of Palestine", remains the most influential media tool in the hands of the Palestinian Authority, which now observes ten years since the genesis of Palestinian Authority...

Sharon’s Top Advisor Represents “Business Interests” of the Palestinian Authority

One of the Biggest Questions of the New Year Focuses Around the Question: What Would Motivate Ariel Sharon to Conduct His Current Policy with the Palestinian Authority? The Answer: Business Interests. The man who has been the...

No “Disengagement”. Instead, A Program of PLO Empowerment

If you are like most members of the Knesset and the media, you probably never read it. That Sharon Plan received its first vote of confidence in Israel's Knesset on October 26th, 2004. Yet what is...

USAID Releases $2 Million for Women Entrepreneurs

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 18 January 2005 Press Office: 03 511 4846 Email: < a> Ramallah, West Bank - The American government is releasing $2 million to the "Palestine for Credit & Development" organization, FATEN, to support micro-finance activities...

Not Quite What We Are Led to Believe

Now that the residents of the Katif district of Gaza have been forcibly expelled from their homes, a picture - promoted by the Palestinian Authority and its supporters - is being painted in the...

The Death of Yaakov Yaakobov – Killed in Sderot by an Arab Missile –...

An Israeli civilian, the second in a single week, was killed on Wednesday yesterday during an Arab missile attack on Sderot. Yaakov Yaakobov, a 40-year-old resident of this southern Israeli border town who worked at...