BLIND TO TERROR: THE U.S. GOVERNMENT’S DISASTROUS MUSLIM OUTREACH EFFORTS AND THE IMPACT ON... Why has the U.S. government called certain Islamic groups supporters of terror in federal court, and then turned around and called these same organizations “moderates” and embraced them as outreach partners? In a number...

Palestinians Dismiss Prisoner Release as a “Bribe” The argument that the release of Palestinian prisoners boosts the standing of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and "moderate" Palestinians and facilitates the resumption of peace talks with Israel is not necessarily true. Many Palestinians...

Op-Ed: Financing the Flames III: Lawmakers Ready to Defund PA Exclusive to Arutz Sheva A growing number of lawmakers in the United States, Great Britain, and the European Union are openly suggesting the billions of dollars, pounds, and euros that they and others have collectively...

PA goes postal – stamping on int’l law

Concerning “Palestinians using postal bank for ‘pay-for-slay’ to avoid Israeli law” (March 24) confirming that PLO terrorists use the postal bank for to pay people for murdering Jews, it must be pointed out that...

“Most of what I’ve heard from this panel is BULLSHIT.”

There are many reasons the Israeli/Jewish lobby rules in Washington with hardly any effective opposition. One of the main reasons is that the various Arab-American organizations that exist are all controlled, manipulated, and usually paralyzed...

Understanding Arafat as a Media Strategist

There are many ways to describe Yasser Arafat, but whether one tends to call him a "politician," "statesman" or "terrorist," any fair estimation of Arafat would have to call him an "Egyptian intellectual." Arafat studied...

“Sending Our Son Off to War”

This week we accompanied our first born son, Noam, to the IDF army recruitment center in Jerusalem, where he was inducted into an IDF combat unit, with three months of basic training lying ahead...

Discrepancies Between the Arabic and English Versions of the Palestine State Constitution

The Palestinian State constitution has gone through at least three drafts in an effort led by legal experts in the European Union and the United States. A comparision of the two versions appears to support...

Arafat Remains in Charge, Says Abu Mazen

Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) said President Yasser Arafat (Abu Ammar) remains in charge despite a US and Israeli refusal to deal with him, and said his stamp of approval should precede...

Remarks To the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly, Regarding the Situation of Palestinian Refugees

Mr. Chairman, thank-you for the opportunity to address this report on the situation of Palestinian refugees. While Canada is only an observer in this Assembly, we have a significant interest in this issue as...