The False Religion of Mideast Peace And why I’m no longer a believer. On October 18, 1991, against long odds and in front of an incredulous press corps, U.S. Secretary of State James A. Baker III and Soviet Foreign Minister Boris Pankin announced that Arabs and Israelis were being...

If The Obama Administration Doesn’t Understand Syria’s Dictator is No Sensitive Westernized Wimp, It... This article is published on PajamasMedia. The full text is published here for your convenience. Why was Egyptian President Husni Mubarak so evil in the eyes of the Obama Administration while Syrian President Bashar al-Assad...

UN Textbooks in Palestinian Schools Strongly Anti-Israel, Anti-U.S. 33/10714-un-textbooks-in-palestinian-schools-strongly-anti-israel-anti-us Textbooks provided by the United Nations Refugee and Works Agency (UNRWA) to Palestinian schools have been found to contain strongly anti-Israeli and anti-American sentiments. Experts testified on the content of the textbooks last Wednesday...

Ayman al-Sharawneh, a terrorist released in the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange deal, was deported... Overview 1. Ayman al-Sharawneh is a Hamas operative from the Hebron region who was sentenced to 38 years in Israeli prison for several terrorist attacks, such as an IED bombing in Beersheba which injured 19...

How the Israeli Media Covered the Capture of a PA Ammo ship

In a pre-dawn raid on Thursday morning, January 3, 2002, IDF naval commando troops seized control of the Karine-A vessel without a fight and forced it to sail 500 kilometers north to Eilat. The...

WikiLeaks: Sec’y Clinton Ordered Probe of UNRWA . looking for Hamas ties

WikiLeaks revealed Sunday that US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ordered a probe on UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, as well as an investigation on possible ties between UN members and terror groups such as...

The Donkey, the Camel and the Facebook Scam: How the Muslim Brotherhood Conquered Egypt... Raymond Stock, former Visiting Assistant Professor of Arabic and Middle East Studies at Drew University (2010-11), and Guggenheim Fellow (2007), lived in Cairo for 20 years (1990-2010). He was denied entry and deported by...

Files Reveal Neo-Nazis Helped Palestinian Terrorists The men who were arrested in the Munich house of former Waffen-SS member Charles Jochheim late on Oct. 27, 1972 were armed like soldiers on their way to the front. In one suitcase,...

Egypt “On the Verge of Bankruptcy” Egypt is effectively out of cash. With foreign exchange reserves at a “critical minimum,” Egypt’s central bank imposed exchange controls and let the Egyptian pound exchange rate fall by about 5 percent from the...