ICSR Insight: Up to 11,000 foreign fighters in Syria; steep rise among Western Europeans

http://icsr.info/2013/12/icsr-insight-11000-foreign-fighters-syria-steep-rise-among-western-europeans/ Since ICSR published its first estimate in April, the issue of foreign fighters in Syria has become a major concern for Western governments. More reports have emerged since, though few have accurately gauged the...

Official Palestinian Radio News: The Voice of Palestine (V.O.P.) March 4th. Preparing for the...

The Voice of Palestine has been gearing up to the Feast of Sacrifice Monday. There were live interviews from the pilgrimage site in Arabia, and there has been a general increase in the Islamic...

The Illusion of “Peace in Exchange for Territories”

For years, especially since the 1991 Madrid Peace Conference, Arab leaders have repeated the mantra that peace with Israel hinges upon a withdrawal to the pre-1967 border. Similar rhetoric followed with the Arab Summit's...

Between NATO and Russia: The Pieces of Turkey’s Puzzle

http://www.inss.org.il/publications.php?cat=21&incat=&read=10697 It was one of the rare weeks since the outbreak of the Arab awakening that went well for Turkey. Between what was seen as a successful visit by Vladimir Putin to Istanbul on December...

ISIL Still Gains Amid U.S. Strikes

The Islamic State of Iraq and Levant continues to score gains in the war in Iraq, a report said. The Center for Security and International Studies has warned that NATO air strikes on Iraq and Syria...

Welcome to the global intifada

In Canada, there were two terror attacks within two days. The first was a run-over attack, and the second was an attack on the parliament in the capital city of Ottawa. In New York, police...

Commentary: Fighting Defeatism, in the USA and in Israel

Last night a reader asked me for a repeat of the reasons why I think the US should stay in Iraq. I gave him not just a repeat, but an expansion of my original...


In March, the acts of hostility reached their peak, and it seemed that the Ishuv (pre-state Jewish community) could no longer endure the blows inflicted by the Arabs. The irregular Palestinian forces controlled all...

Incisive moments on a family trip : TO ISRAEL AND EGYPT …TO CELEBRATE MY...

My extended family returned recently from a trip to Israel and Egypt to celebrate our younger son's Bar Mitzvah. We are grateful and blessed that our dream trip was realized. We marked Noah’s becoming...

Commentary on Possible Commission of Inquiry

Defense Minister Peretz has come out in favor of a formal commission of inquiry with regard to the war, which puts him in opposition to Olmert and definitely strains the coalition. Look for a...