The Forces the Brought Crown Prince Hassan Down
The following is an adaptation of an article that appeared in The Wall Street Journal European Edition on Monday, January 25, 1999.
One might question the wisdom of the Clinton Administration's ongoing attempts to secure...
Europe May Suspend Funding to PA
The European Union has recently warned Yasser Arafat that Europe would freeze the transfer of financial assistance to the Palestinian Authority if the PA does not explain the disappearance of funds sent over the...
Background to the Feb 4th Clinton-Arafat Summit
The scheduled February 4, 1999 summit between US President Clinton and Palestinian Authority chairman Arafat occurs after the US has implored the PA to delay its declaration of independence and statehood until after the...
Arafat From Defender to Dictator. Part one of book summary
Arafat: From Defender to Dictator
by Said Aburish
Bloomsbury Publishers, London, 1998
Born August 24, 1929 in Cairo. Named Mohammed Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf Arafat Al Qudua Al Husseini.(Muhammed Abdel Rahman-first name, Abdel Raouf - father's name,...
The Official Curriculum Used in the Palestine Authority
On 11th January, 1999, former Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres opened the session of the PERES CENTER FOR PEACE by saying that the era of Arab Incitement against Israel is a thing of the...
Justice and Jonathan Pollard
In the wake of the Wye River negotiations has come a barrage of new attacks against Jonathan Pollard, the former U.S. naval intelligence analyst convicted in 1985 of passing classified information to Israel and...
Letter to an Editor
The Israeli district judge's Dec. 30, 1998, decision that recognized Conservative and Reform conversions does not address itself to the divisions between the non-Orthodox religious Jewish communities in Israel and from abroad as to...
The Scenarios of the Palestinian State in Formation
An elder statesman of Great Britain in the late eighteenth century, Sir Edmund Burke, reported that he was often asked why he would not support the French revolution.
After all, Burke's colleagues noted, he had...
Bethlehem’s Massive Tourist Plans Include … One New Hotel
At a time when hundreds of thousands of tourists may possibly make their way to Bethlehem next Christmas and New Years to usher in the new century, including the Pope, and another possible visit...
Fatah Preparing for “Intifada of the Settlements”
Now, after the "Intifada of the Prisoners", the Palestinians are preparing a new Intifada to be called the "Intifada of the Settlements". Senior sources in the Palestinian Authority confirm that the intention is to...