US Supreme Court to determine if birthplace of a Jerusalem-born child is “Israel”

A landmark case has just been argued in front of the US Supreme Court which will determine whether children born in Jerusalem might someday be able to have “Israel” listed as their place of...

REPORT: Obama sent secret letter to Iran about cooperation against ISIS

President Barack Obama wrote a secret letter to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei two weeks ago expressing a mutual interest in battling ISIS, according to a recent report. The letter indicated that the U.S....


As yet more evidence that academics are regularly able to engage in what George Orwell sardonically referred to as “doublethink,” “the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both...


Col. Richard Kemp, the former commander of British troops in Afghanistan who gave a public lecture in Israel in July at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center, has spoken out in support of Israel’s military...

Rachel’s Tomb Hijacked

On the 11th of Heshvan, which this year falls on November 4, Jews observe the "yaarzeit" memorial for Rachel, the Biblical matriarch who bore Joseph and died in child birth as Benjamin was born. As...

Witness to shooting of Rabbi Yehudah Glick tells what happened

Moriah Halamish, a young woman who attended Rabbis Glick's lecture on Weds, Oct 29 at the Menachem Begin Center described what happened. Moriah related that Rabbi Glick was standing at the entrance of the...

Anti-Semitism on the Temple Mount

By Zalman Shuval Since 1967, all Israeli governments have employed balanced, carefully thought out policies on the Temple Mount in order to avoid any major conflicts with the Muslim world, and this is still the...

Why we keep getting the Middle East wrong

WE DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE IMPORTANCE OF NON-STATE, NON-NATIONAL LOYALTIES People tend to think of the Middle East as being composed of ‘states’ just like Britain, France, Belgium and the Netherlands. This is a big...

PM Netanyahu at the opening of the Knesset winter session

Translated from Hebrew] The last time I stood here was before Operation Protective Edge. During that operation to defend against criminal terrorist attacks, the State of Israel showed the entire world what decisiveness, force and...

Right-wing activist shot during annual Temple Mount event in Jerusalem

Rabbi Yehuda Glick, a prominent right-wing activist, was shot at point blank range outside the Menachem Begin Heritage Center in Jerusalem on Wednesday night. Glick, 50, was shot in his upper body by a motorcyclist...