UNRWA goes to war


SunNews Prime time Video : UNRWA goes to war

Journalist David Bedein has produced a shocking documentary exposing a United Nations organization that is helping fund jihad in Palestine. http://www.sunnewsnetwork.ca/video/3861536450001

Open your eyes: Intifada

An intifada is breaking out in Jerusalem. Wednesday was its 112th day. It may be a (semi) popular movement but it has long not been spontaneous. The disturbances and continuous attacks on Jews in...

The Role of Hamas and Fatah in the Jerusalem Disturbances

The Muslim Brotherhood seeks to unite all of the region’s Islamic movements around the idea of the Muslim Caliphate with the Al-Aqsa Mosque as its hub. Hamas’ Khaled Mashal lives in Qatar and has helped...

Pro-Israel group says United Nations relief agency supporting Hamas

OTTAWA - The United Nations should investigate its relief work agency in the Palestinian territories, according to a pro-Israeli research group and a Conservative MP. David Bedein, head of the Jerusalem-based Centre for Near East...

The Terrorism Threat to Canada

On October 22, Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, 32, Canadian-born and a convert to Islam, shot dead a soldier and was killed after opening fire inside the Parliament in Ottawa.  Two days earlier, Martin Ahmad Couture-Rouleau, a...

Israel’s Security and Unintended Consequences

Would General Allen -- or any other general today -- recommend contracting out his country's defenses if it were his country at stake? Of course not. The Iranian regime remains dedicated to undermining and ultimately...

Egypt’s foreign ministry ‘surprised’ by Carter Center decision to close Cairo offices

Egypt’s foreign ministry said Thursday it was “surprised” by the decision of the Carter Center to close its offices in Cairo. “The center's claims contradict the official letter of the center’s regional director in August...

Amir Rapaport: US-Israeli Relations: National Security Trauma (rely more heavily on Israeli-made products)

The full truth, revealed here for the first time, is much more severe: apparently, during Operation Protective Edge, the USA had completely stopped all connections with Israel's defense procurement delegation based in the USA....

Text: Kerry blames Israel for ISIL – shows clueless about real situation in region

Here's the latest argument by Mr. Kerry for why those damn Israelis are to blame for ISIL - and that Israel had better damn listen to the master's voice and agree to divide Jerusalem,...