The U.N. Handmaiden of Hamas

On Wednesday, as a truce held between Israel and the Hamas terrorist group that rules the Gaza Strip, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon briefed the U.N. General Assembly. "The senseless cycle of suffering" must...

Holy War Arrives in Germany "Never before have the sympathizers of Islamic terror appeared so openly in Germany." - Editorial, Westfalen-Blatt. "Anyone who thought the civil war in Syria or the barbarity of the Islamic State in Iraq does not...

Gaza Tension Stoked by Unlikely Alliance Between Israel and Egypt

Israel and Egypt quietly agreed to work in concert to squeeze Hamas after Egypt's military coup in 2013, a strategy that proved effective but which some Israeli and U.S. officials now believe stoked tensions...

Investigative Report: Green Olive Tours Promotes Palestinian Maximalist Claims Not In Accord with Any... Before signing up to go a tour of Bethlehem and Hebron in the Palestinian territories given by Green Olive Tours, I had concerns about how they would portray the Israeli -Palestinian conflict. Now after...

The tragedy of Gaza’s dual economy On either side of the Gaza-Israel divide, hundreds of thousands have fled their homes. That means livelihoods are destroyed or close to ruins. Because of the greater loss of life and larger physical destruction, the...

From Ben Gurion Airport to Vienna: My Ride with the Volunteer Pilot and Saed... DISPATCH FROM STEFANIE HOTEL IN VIENNA Last week, I learned suddenly that Austrian airlines resumed its flight to Vienna from Israel and I began to pack up quickly. Given the climate of anti-Semitism that has...

What Is to Be Done About Gaza? EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Operation Protective Edge has not weakened or threatened Hamas enough to encourage them to accept a ceasefire. Israel has no choice but to continue to attack Hamas. Talks of reconquering Gaza are...

Video of UNRWA Camps Showing Children Calling for Jihad Attracts Renewed Attention A video of summer camps run by UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, is making the rounds on pro-Israel social media networks again with footage...

The Settler, by Orit Arfa

Like the thousands who made their lives in the rural settlement of Gush Katif in Gaza, college freshman Sarah Dakar didn’t believe the Israel Defense Force would dare kick Jews out of their homes...

From Welfare to Warfare As Operation Protective Edge enters its third week, we have now seen four incidents in the latest round of fighting between Israel and Hamas that have focused attention on UNRWA (United Nations Relief and...