Hundreds of Arabs Celebrate Atop Temple Mount After Rocket Attacks on Jerusalem (VIDEO) A video showing hundreds of Arabs jeering and celebrating atop the temple mount after air raid sirens were heard in Jerusalem on Tuesday night has surfaced online. The Quds News Network website posted the video...

Hamas, Jihad Enhance Rockets

Hamas and Islamic Jihad rocket strikes have reached unprecedented ranges. They said rockets fired from the Gaza Strip have flown more than 100 kilometers, a 33 percent increase from the last mini-war in 2012. "Hamas...

UN Report: Most Gazan civilians injured chose to ignore Israeli UN Report: Most Gazan civilians injured chose to ignore Israeli warnings "...In most cases, prior to the attacks, residents have been warned to leave, either via phone calls by the Israel military or by the...

“Moderate” Fatah Also Firing Rockets Fatah has several hundred militiamen in the Gaza Strip, some of whom are members of the Palestinian Authority security forces, who continue to receive their salaries from Western governments. At least two Fatah armed groups...

Presidency: Palestinians have right to defend themselves RAMALLAH (Ma'an) -- A Presidential spokesman on Tuesday condemned Israel's escalation of airstrikes on Gaza, saying Palestinians have the right to defend themselves. Israel's new operation is a "declaration of war on Palestinians and the...

NOAM BEDEIN: PERSONAL ENCOUNTERS WITH A “BALL OF FIRE” IN SDEROT, SATURDAY NIGHT, 28/06/14 _ Since the end of operation 'Pillar of Defense', through June 30th 2014, 300 aerial attacks have been launched from Hamas-ruled controlled Gaza towards southern Israel. The fact that many terrorist organizations based in Gaza...

UNRWA schools in Gaza: A Greenhouse for Hamas

An Israeli incursion into Gaza will have to cope with the fact that 70% of the Gaza population dwells in UNRWA refugee facilities. As documented below, Hamas has embedded itself in the UNRWA schools...

UNRWA SCHOOLS OF WAR (HEBREW) בעקבות דו"חות ביקורת על מערכת החינוך של סוכנות הסעד והתעסוקה של האו"ם (אונר"א), יזמו דוברים של אונר"א מסע ברחבי העולם שמטרתו להעביר את המסר כי יש ספרי לימוד חדשים שאונר"א מקבלת מהרש"פ שאינם עוסקים...

Observation: Israel’s Message to Hamas: You can continue building your army if you stop... "Now we are preparing for two possibilities in the south: The first is that the firing at our communities will stop and then our operations will stop as well and the quiet that prevailed...

Disproportionate chutzpa – writes Michael Kuttner As predictable as day following night the reaction of the international community to Israel’s continuing search for the murderers of the three teenage students could have been anticipated. We were thus not disappointed or...