President Peres gives President-Elect Rivlin advice he himself should "you have to consider your every word and every action" - this from the man who has made every effort to promote the standing of Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian Authority in the world...

Harold & Gayle Berman, Doublelife: One Family, Two Faiths and a Journey of Hope

Longhill Press, New York, New York 2013 REVIEWED BY DAVID BEDEIN, SOCIAL WORKER AND JOURNALIST. Doublelife: One Family, Two Faiths and a Journey of Hope is a compelling and entertaining memoir of two newly observant Jews...

UNRWA-Part of the Problem or the Solution? with David Bedein

EMET hosts David Bedein, Bureau Chief of the Israel Resource News Agency to expose what really goes on in UNRWA facilities. UNRWA contributes to the spread of anti-Israel propaganda and hate among Palestinians. David...

Illusions and Delusions – writes Michael Kuttner Like confidence tricksters who manage to fool multitudes with their snake oil type smooth talk current developments bear an uncanny resemblance to these fraudsters. There is a saying that a fool is born every...

Minister Steinitz: U.S.should demand missiles out Statement from Minister Steinitz(Communicated by the Minister of Intelligence's Media Adviser) Minister of Intelligence Dr. Yuval Steinitz has, today (Thursday, 5 June 2014), released the following statement: "Pursuant to US Secretary of State John Kerry's statement...

Quartet Affirms its Support to New Palestinian Government based on PA Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA: Notice that everyone is mentioning "commitment to agreements"? What about clearing out the missiles in the Gaza Strip that are a gross violation of the agreements? Quartet Affirms its Support...

Weekly Commentary: Washington accepts terror state – only requires English Let's read this incredibly shocking passage together: "Well, we condemn all rocket attacks from Gaza. We would also expect President Abbas to do so as he has in the past, and we expect the Palestinian...

Taking Iran’s Anti-Semitism Seriously Radical, theologically based hatred of Judaism, Zionism, and the state of Israel is part of the core ideological beliefs of the leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Yet U.S. policymakers all too rarely...

Iran Launches Hizbullah network in Syria

The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs reports that the Teheran regime approved and facilitated the establishment of a Hizbullah force in Syria. In a report, the center said Hizbullah, representing Iranian interests, would operate...

The U.S. Has Been Speaking To Hamas Through Back Channels For More Than Six... JERUSALEM - United States officials have been holding secret back-channel talks with Hamas over the last six months to discuss their role in the newly formed unity government, according to two senior diplomatic sources...