The threat of Israel boycotts more bark than bite (Reuters) - Though voices are getting louder inside and outside Israel about the threat of economic boycotts for its continued occupation of Palestinian territories, there seems little prospect of it facing measures with real...

“Frau Merkel, zeigen Sie wahre Solidaritmit Israel!” Vor dem Besuch von Angela Merkel (59, CDU) und dem Bundeskabinett in Israel am Montag haben sich Persönlichkeiten aus Politik und Gesellschaft mit einem 4-Punkte-Appell an die Kanzlerin gewandt: „Frau Merkel, zeigen Sie wahre...

UNRWA Education 2013: Seven minute rendition of films taken in UNRWA schools, to be...

UNRWA Education 2013: Seven minute rendition of films taken in UNRWA schools, to be screened at the Knesset on Monday Feb 24. See:

Meir Schuster Hugged My Brother

Knesset Briefing on Curriculum in UNRWA Schools

Journalists are cordially invited to a Knesset briefing hosted by MK Yoni Chetboun on the subject of the latest studies of the education curriculum of UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA),...

Good News: Worst UN Candidates Defeated in Race to Replace Richard Falk¬oc=1 We have just learned that following UN Watch's campaign exposing and opposing the most biased candidates vying to replace the outgoing Richard Falk -- as the UN's permanent investigator on "Israel's violations of the...

US Congress Worried Over Lebanese Mil

House and Senate members have expressed worry that U.S. aid to Lebanon's military and security forces could end up with the Iranian-sponsored Hizbullah. Congress has determined that Hizbullah controlled much of Lebanon's military and...

U.S. Lifts Ban on Immigrants With Links to Terrorism Muslim Brotherhood affiliates scored a major victory in their efforts to degrade U.S. national security measures in early February 2014 when the Obama administration decided to override by fiat portions of the U.S. Criminal...

The coming crash of American diplomacy in the Middle East,0,1568248.story#ixzz2thmWN4FP President Obama has three significant Middle East diplomatic initiatives underway, treating, respectively, Iran's nuclear weapons program; Syria's deadly, exhausting conflict; and the long-standing Israeli-Palestinian dispute. Into these negotiations, Obama and his administration have poured...

Gaza loses an underground lifeline The border between Egypt and the Gaza Strip used to buzz with activity until a few months back as traders brought in an array of Egyptian goods - from food supplies to raw material...