Iranian Breakout Estimates, Updated September 2013

Since October 2012 when ISIS last published detailed breakout assessments about Iran’s gas centrifuge uranium enrichment program, Iran has steadily expanded the number of IR-1 centrifuges installed at both its Fordow and Natanz gas...

IsraAid In this week’s newspaper, one story caught our eye for its humanitarian - not to mention ironic - nature. The Israeli aid organization IsraAid has provided almost $100,000 in nutritional and hygienic assistance to...

Still bickering over Balfour Last year, on the 95th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, the former Palestinian minister, Nabil Shaath, wrote an article in the Daily Telegraph attacking Britain for issuing its famous statement of support for the...

Iran’s strategic landmine,7340,L-4442384,00.html Washington and Jerusalem's initial assessments regarding Tehran's intentions were correct. The partial information coming in following the negotiations in Geneva indicates that the current Iranian leadership is in fact proposing a valid deal on...

JFK ASSASSINATION EYEWITNESS WON’T BE AT 50TH ANNIVERSARY CEREMONY James Tague was an eyewitness to the assassination to President John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas on November 22 in 1963. Tague is the only man in addition to President Kennedy and Texas Governor...

PA-Sponsored Eighth International Conference for Popular Resistance Held in Bil’in to Discuss Broadening It...

1. The popular resistance is the central strategy used by the Palestinians on the ground and integrated into the political, economic, propaganda and legal campaigns currently being waged against Israel by the PA. The...

Beware the Palestinian Spring! Yuval Diskin, former head of Israel's domestic security service, the Shin Bet, has sounded an ominous warning to Israel's government and people. At the moment, he said, a new Palestinian intifada appears almost inevitable. "All of...

Israel’s Nuclear Ambiguity, Arms Control Policy, and Iran: Is the Time Ripe for Basic... Transparency, for example, in the nuclear realm, tends to be regarded as an inherently positive value in international relations circles - to wit, the more transparent you are, the better. But is this true...

The Medieval Anti-Semitic Views Of 150 Million Europeans: An Interview With Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld europeans-an-interview-with-dr-manfred-gerstenfeld/#Qqt2RypAFsbsTwMA.99 Recently, a new book, Demonizing Israel and the Jews by Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld , sent shock waves across Europe by revealing the frightening levels of anti-Semitism and vicious condemnation of Israel taking...

Jews fight U.S., Iraq, Obama over stolen Torahs Jews worldwide are mobilizing to fight a plan by the U.S. National Archives under the Obama administration to hand over to the Muslim government in Iraq thousands of mostly priceless treasures, including ancient Torahs,...