The Jewish Telegraphic Agency, the JTA, ran a feature last week which related to the issue of incitement which emanates from the media outlets of The Palestinian Authority The article ran like this in the...

Minister: Hezbollah has over 200,000 rockets Hezbollah has over 200,000 missiles capable of hitting any spot in the country, Home Front Defense Minister Gilad Erdan said Tuesday. According to an IDF worst-case scenario, Israel could find itself under attack from thousands...

September 2013 saw a sharp increase in the number of terror attacks: 133 attacks... The main increase is noted in Judea and Samaria with 104 attacks, as opposed to 68 in August. Two prominent attacks occurred this month - one in Samaria and another in Judea, where two...

What Will Happen Now with U.S. Middle East Policy? Turkish Reader: Haven’t you understood yet that the US does not care about whether a Muslim country is ruled by Sharia or by secular law as long as that regime is pro-American?...

Egypt’s new military-backed regime has given the intelligence community a green light for...

The Washington Institute for Near East Policy asserts that Egyptian Defense Minister Abdul Fatah Sisi, in a break with policy that lasted since the 1979 peace treaty, authorized the military and intelligence community to...

No Will No Way writes Michael Kuttner In the midst of the turmoil enveloping European Jewry during the early 1940’s, a man by the name of Jan Karski was dispatched by the Polish underground to tell western allies about the atrocities...

Is Iran a Lunatic State or a Rational Actor? Neither: It is a Rational... The United States now estimates it will take one year for Iran to get nuclear weapons; Israel says some months. Is Iran a Lunatic State or a Rational Actor? It is neither; it is a...

Rav Ovadia: Raising the Pride of Sephardic Jews I say this as a fellow traveler of the Jerusalem Black Panthers in the early 1970′s, as a social worker in the late 1970′s and early 1980′s, and as a reporter in Israel since...

Abbas mentions Psagot shooting to visiting MKs- does not condemn Abbas mentions - but does not condemn - Psagot shootingBy LAHAV HARKOV The Jerusalem Post 7 October 2013 16:32 All violence on both sides should be condemned, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas told MKs visiting...

Netanyahu Answers Abbas’s glowing praise of the Mufti On January 4, 2013, Mahmoud Abbas, spoke via video link on a wide screen to the masses in Gaza, who gathered to celebrate the founding of Fatah, (Arabic for conquest) otherwise known as the...