Western Media Ignores Hamas Crackdown on Journalists

http://www.algemeiner.com/2013/08/05/western-media-ignores-hamas-crackdown-on-journalists/ Poor Harriet Sherwood, missing the big picture while obsessively reporting about the latest round of Middle East peace talks that promise to end the six-decade-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict in a mere nine months. While Sherwood, the...

(Audio) Former Jerusalem police chief Aryeh Amit: If leadership had guts the Temple Mount...

http://imra.org.il/story.php3?id=61680 (Audio) Former Jerusalem police chief Aryeh Amit: If leadership had guts the Temple Mount would be shared Interviewed on IDF Radio 5 August 2013 http://youtu.be/DrwoOwh9mXU Program host Razi Barkai: With an area of 144 dunam, in contrast...

1,000 Jurists to EU: Settlements are Legal

http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/170582#.UgBCERXn_IV A mammoth jurists' petition delivered to European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton states that the EU is wrong in holding that Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria are illegal, and that the term...

Releasing Murderers for Peace Negotiations: The Fight Begins Now

http://blog.pjvoice.com/diary/3420/releasing-murderers-for-peace-negotiations-the-fight-begins-now The impression that Israel has released 100 terrorists from jail last week, as the Arabs' term for renewing the peace negotiations, is wrong. Israel has not yet released any murderers. The reality is that...

“Radicalizing” the Muslim Brotherhood

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3907/muslim-brotherhood-radicalizing Following another night of violence in Cairo during which 72 people were killed, The New York Times accused the military led government of Abdul Fattah al Sisi of "radicalizing" the Muslim Brotherhood. "For all...

Thanks to Syria, Timing of Looming Iran Crisis Is Fortuitous

http://www.commentarymagazine.com/2013/08/01/thanks-to-syria-timing-of-looming-iran-crisis-is-fortuitous/ As I noted yesterday, the coming months will be decisive with regard to Iran’s nuclear program. This is an issue on which everyone would prefer if crunch time were never reached. But if a...

Ramallah vs. the “Peace Process”

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3908/ramallah-peace-process If Mahmoud Abbas does not have the power or courage to allow an Israel-based clothing shop to open branch near his residence in Ramallah, how will he ever be able to make peace with...

Dumb, Dumber, Dumberer in Washington

http://www.meforum.org/3566/dumb-washington Earlier today, Egypt's military government arrested former prime minister Mohammed Mursi on charges of conspiring with the terrorist organization Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood's Palestinian affiliate. That is as good as it gets in this...

Weekly Commentary: Preparing for failed talks

http://imra.org.il/story.php3?id=61646 According to the common narrative, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu agreed to release a group of terrorist murderers as the "entrance fee" for talks with the Palestinians because: #1. In the absence of talks, Israel faced...

Israel faces legal hurdles to free 104 convicted killers

This week, if you followed newscasts on the Israel Broadcasting Authority and the Israel Defense Forces Radio and nearly all of the Israeli media, you would have been convinced that Israel has already freed...