From Mein Kampf to The Saudi Plan: 100 Years of Dhimmitude?

The writer has been involved in regional projects in cooperation in public health for the past 25 years, and is now investigating the effects of incitement in promoting genocide Press Reports hint that Sectretary of...

Mashaal Cannot Change Hamas The re-election last week of Khaled Mashaal as Hamas leader has been interpreted by some Arab and Western analysts as a sign of the radical Islamist's desire to march toward "moderation and pragmatism." Hamas, according...

Syria: Everything You Wanted to Know About Islamist Rebels Who Can Shoot Down Planes you-wanted-to-know-about-islamist-rebels-who-can-shoot-down-planes/ Advanced anti-aircraft missiles in the hands of Syrian Islamist rebels could be used, after the win the civil war there, against neighboring countries and even against commercial passenger planes. It seems as if the...

Iran Powers Ahead Iran has announced that it will open two new uranium-processing facilities on Tuesday as Western efforts to convince Tehran to abandon its nuclear program ended in failure last week. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is preparing...

Iran Celebrates Nuke Pursuit Russia has agreed to help Iran construct two new nuclear reactors in the coming year Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced on Tuesday, its “National Day of Nuclear Technology.” Russia will help Iran build “at least...


Tel Aviv, April 9, 2013: The US State Department has filed a motion to dismiss the claims of a group of Americans who allege US aid money to the Palestinian Authority (PA) funds terrorism. The...

A 10-step Process : How US Secretary of State John Kerry Could Bring Abbas... This week, US Secretary of State John Kerry announced that he will use his visit to the Middle East to implore the Palestinian Authority to return to peace talks with Israel. Here is a suggested...

PA Refuses to Change a ‘Few Words’ for Kerry The Palestinian Authority revealed Monday that it refused to agree with visiting U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry’s request to change a “few words” in the 2002 Saudi Peace Initiative. The Saudi peace plan promises...

Is there Oil in the Golan Heights ? Wines, Mines and Israel awards first... id=3336&sec=1&title=Is_there_Oil_in_the_Golan_Heights__ Wines,_Mines_and_Israel_awards_first_Golan_oil_drilling_licence The Golan Heights, where recently I took an early morning drive is known to be filled with mine fields that the Israelis installed to deter Syria from ever sending troops and tanks through it....

Bedein interviewed on CBN together with clips of INSIDE THE UNRWA CLASSROOM. (CLICK TO...

Stakelbeck on Terror Show: Pressuring Israel, Appeasing Iran On this week's edition of the Stakelbeck on Terror show, we examine President Obama's recent trip to Israel and his administration's pressure on Israel to accept a...