No mention of Iran and Palestinian antisemitism in Germany’s strategy to fight Jew-hatred

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz stands accused of whitewashing the world’s top state-sponsor of Jew-hatred and Holocaust denial, Iran’s regime, and Palestinian antisemitism, in the first signs of blowback against his national strategy report on...

Supreme Court denies Ben Uliel appeal

Tuesday, February 7, 2023, 9:51 Honenu reacted to the refusal of the Supreme Court to grant Amiram Ben Uliel an additional hearing: "Chief Justice Esther Hayut, like her friends the champions of human rights,...

Why we desperately need Israeli judicial reform

In June 1992, with the defeat of Israel’s Likud government and the ascension of the Labor Party to power, the Palestine Liberation Organization, an outlawed terrorist organization in a state of total war against...

UNRWA is Part of the Problem – Not the Solution

The United Nations Relief and Work Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) has once again requested international financial aid. This is the same organization whose workers have been promoting violence and antisemitism on social...

All for the money

Ezra Seymour Gosney was a very rich man on a mission. He owned one of the largest lemon groves in California and became a director of banks and corporations. In the 1920s, Gosney began to...

Blinkin Blinded

Journalist David Bedein asked three questions US secretary of State Blinkin, during the official Blinkin visit to Israel. 1. Will the US demand that the PA repeal the PA "pay to slay" law, enacted by...

MK Simcha Rothman – Clarifying the Government’s Proposed Judicial Reform

Chairman, Knesset Constitution, Law and Justice Committee Rothman is a member of the Religious Zionist party. He was first elected to the Knesset in 2021.  

Architect of judicial reform bill ‘eager to compromise’

Member of Knesset Simcha Rothman expressed his openness to compromise on the judicial reform package that is currently being introduced in the Knesset at a press briefing hosted Thursday by the Jerusalem Center for...

Looney Tunes

I remember as a youngster (last century) that one of the “shorts” always shown in the cinema before the main feature film was a series of cartoons called Looney Tunes. These consisted of the likes...

Perspective from Azerbaijan

First of all I would like to condemn the terrorist attack on the Azerbaijani embassy in Tehran. Attack on diplomatic missions is unacceptable and the Iranian regime bears a responsibility for this.  Secondly, I also...