How to defeat the PLO and UNRWA

Following the US and Israel elections: Our document to submit to the new US Congress & the Israeli Knesset, Nov. 13, 2022

As Dr. Gorvine is buried

Harold Gorvine, my history teacher, from the time I  was 14, has died. Harold's way of teaching  was unique. He told us not to take notes. Rather, to listen and to follow the lives of...

Lapid gov’t refuses to release court-ordered compensation to terror victims – report

The law firm that won a half-billion shekel case against the Palestinian Authority three years ago said it received a notice that the next government will deal with the issue. By Batya Jerenberg, World Israel...

Making Israel Great Again

Israel’s longest serving Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s re-election this past week, is seen by many of his over one million supporters who voted for the Likud Party as a sign from above. His triumphant...

Following the Israel and US Elections: How to Galvanize public opinion to defeat...

Following the US and Israel elections: Our document to submit to the newUS Congress & the Israeli Knesset, Nov. 13, 2022 How to defeat the PLO and UNRWA 1. Recognize the new paradigm: Fatah can no longer...

Goethe Institute Tel Aviv is hosting a symposium about: “Understanding the Other’s Pain”

The Holocaust, the Nakba and the German memory culture Wednesday, 09.11.2022 19:00 Goethe Institute Tel Aviv Discussion featuring: Charlotte Wiedemann, Bashir Bashir, Amos Goldberg Holocaust vs Nakba? Why would any intelligent, knowledgeable person in his right mind even contemplate to...


Definition: “A sudden loss of control over one’s feelings or behaviour.” With the final official results still to be confirmed, it looks as though Israeli voters have definitely made their preferences clear. Prior to polling day,...

Debunking The Most Popular Lies About Israel

This is the video that Palestinian leaders don’t want you to see. In fact, they want it DELETED.

Lies and Unapologetic Antisemitism from the UN “Commission of Inquiry”

Antisemitism at the United Nations may be as ubiquitous as the UN’s dead silence on human rights violations around the world, but rarely has it been as brazen and transparent as on October 27,...

Monitor Israel Hebrew electronic media when the Sabbath has commenced in Israel

Have rented office space from the Israel Association of Journalists for the past 36 years. As journalists who work in Israel electronic media begin to retire, they tell us their secrets of the trade, one...