The Great Myth of Palestinian Statehood: Arabs’ revolutionary awakening belies Western conventional wisdom in...

Since Sept. 11, 2001, American neoconservatives have forcefully argued that the combination of economic stagnation, rapid demographic growth, lack of upward social mobility, and political repression in most Arab countries was a breeding ground...

Rights groups urge UN members to suspend Qaddafi from rights council

Reversing shameful election of Qaddafi is “better late than never” For Immediate Release Contact: Geneva, March 1- UN Watch, which has led the opposition by rights groups and victims to Libya’s presence on the UN Human Rights...

British worry me, says Israeli PM Netanyahu: The Israeli prime minister tells Charles Moore...

Benjamin Netanyahu, in his office in Jerusalem, stands in front of a photograph of his greatest British hero, Winston Churchill Photo: DEBBIE HILL By Charles Moore 11:06AM GMT 26 Feb 2011 310 Comments "When I attended an...

J STREET CONFERENCE, first hand coverage:Rabbi Opens Up Conference with Rebuke of J Street... President Shimon Peres gives greetings to J-Street Conference notwithstanding J Street Stance on UN Resolution on Settlements Vetoed By Obama. photo by Rhonda Spivak March 1, 2010 Pundak of Peres Centre says Abbas and Fayyad are “dream...


Publication Made Possible by Research Grant From “The Middle East Forum” Executive Summary On the surface, the Palestinian Authority has scored a major achievement over the last five years with the development of its own security...

Our World: The West’s proxy war against the Jews

By focusing attention on Israel and its crimes, Europeans, American admirers ignore Islamic war against Israel, global jihad. It was a stunning moment of moral clarity. As the South Vietnamese refugees clambered onto rickety boats in the...


It has arguably not been a good week for Palestinianian Authortiy President Mahmoud Abbas. Last Saturday February 5, The Palestinian Authority finally allowed a protest to take place in Ramallah in solidarity with thre Egyptian...

24 rights groups urge US and EU to confront Libyan massacres in UN Security...

NGOs demand Libya's suspension from UNHRC; UN Watch calls for urgent dispatch of medical supplies to hospitals For Immediate Release Contact: GENEVA, February 20, 2010 - An international coalition of 24 rights groups urged world powers to...

Terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip may exploit the recent events to increase arms... il/malam_multimedia/English/ eng_n/html/ipc_e165.htm Exporting terrorism and subversion from the Gaza Strip: in our assessment terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip may exploit the recent events to increase arms smuggling and infiltrate operatives into Egypt. The Gaza-based jihadist...

Analysis: President Obama on Fox News

President Obama was interviewed on Fox News yesterday. When asked if he thought the Islamic Brotherhood in Egypt was a threat, he responded: "I think that the Muslim Brotherhood is one faction in Egypt. They don't...