The Bombing at Mahane Yehudah and the Aftermath

My friend David, an American Jew in his mid-twenties, was shopping for fruit at the Mahane Yehuda marketplace in Jerusalem at approximately 1 p.m., July 30. Standing next to a watermelon stand, he realized...

Robert Spencer: How the “Palestinians” were invented

Jihad Watch director Robert Spencer explains how and why Yasser Arafat and the KGB invented the “Palestinian” nationality and ethnicity in the 1960s.

Behind The Scene With David Bedein

UNRWA Faces Funding Crisis, Announces Major Service Cuts US Funds Withheld and Incitement Concerns Lead to Severe Reduction in UNRWA Services The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) held a donors conference on June 2...

Mounting malevolence

In my pre Rosh Hashanah op-ed, I explained why there was no chance of genuine peace breaking out in the year ahead…writes Michael Kuttner. Tuning into the news after the two-day Festival it was apparent...

Treating trauma in Sderot Despite the regular sounding of the Color Red siren earlier this month and the subsequent booms as Kassam rockets struck their town, the residents of Sderot seem, at least on the surface, to be...

UN Blames Israel for Gaza’s ‘Inviable’ Future The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) held a conference on August 27th entitled “Will the Gaza Strip be Viable in 2020?” The conclusion, predictably, was that the Israeli government was fully responsible...

The Saudi Arms Deal

On August 13, 2010, several reports appeared in the US media on plans by the Obama administration to sell arms to Saudi Arabia valued at $60 billion over a period of ten years. The reported deal...

The stamp Canada issued

Canada is the only country in the world to do this so far.

Explain how a US adminstration that officially seeks peace by means of a two...

Explain how a US adminstration that officially seeks peace by means of a two state solution (one Jewish, one Arab) keeps dumping money into the primary organization (UNRWA)