Commentary: The BLair Plan to Engage Syria and Iran and more…

Tony Blair today urged the world to engage Iran and Syria to advance the peace process in the Middle East. I am not making this up, though you might be temped to think so....

Commentary: How Should Israel Respond… ?

We are receiving additional warnings from military and security personal regarding the dangers in Gaza and the need to go back in: Yesterday Yuval Diskin, head of Shabak (security services) appeared before the Knesset Foreign...

Commentary: The Reactivated Peace Process?

Barry Rubin, in his most recent column, lists "four phony panaceas, which will clearly not work." These are quick fixes that a very foolish and nearsighted world is promoting. Rubin says, not only will...

Parents cannot understand why Israel’s State’s Attorney says ‘no’ to protecting classrooms in Sderot

On this past Tuesday, the day before Fatima Slotzker, age 57, was blown to bits by a missile in Sderot, Batya Kattar, the head of the Sderot Parents Association, convened an emergency meeting to...


The Kassam rockets that were fired at Ashkelon two weeks ago and which led to the fatal shelling of Beit Hanoun were dual-engine rockets, and not single-engine ones, said intelligence officials. One of the rockets...

Its role during difficult times: An Interim Report

When Karen AbuZayd succeeded Peter Hansen as Secretary-General in June 2005, Israelis who interfaced with her (from the Foreign Ministry and relevant offices of the IDF) expressed hopes that her style of functioning would...

Olmert Associate: Offer to European task force to run Judea and Samaria

A freshman member of the Israeli Knesset Parliament, Prof. Shlomo Breznitz of the Kadima Party, a close associate of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, has offered a plan that would hand over the administration of...


Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, addressed a preplanned meeting of his Kadima faction of the Israeli Knesset parliament only two hours after the terror attack in Israel's port city of Eilat. His described the...

Moving On in Sderot

Sima Abukasis looked on quietly as Chief Rabbi Yonah Metzger and several Knesset members joined dozens of her Sderot neighbors and friends yesterday at a modest commemoration of the second anniversary of the death...

Syria: New Missile Deployment on the Border

The Middle East Newsline reports from Israeli military sources that Syria has deployed more than 1,000 missiles and rockets near the Jewish state. Israeli officials said Syria has brought a range of medium- and long-range...