The Chinese Initiative on Syria: Beyond the Immediate Crisis On October 31, 2012, China deviated from its traditional posture of shunning involvement in Middle East politics, and announced a four-step program to resolve the crisis in Syria. The initiative, however, does not include...

Building in Jerusalem: A Strategic Imperative EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Despite mounting international pressure, Israel must follow up on its recent declaration to build in and around Jerusalem, particularly in Area E1, which connects the capital to the settlement of Maaleh Adumim....

PIPES: Islamists are worse than dictators Who is worse, President Mohammed Morsi, the elected Islamist seeking to apply Islamic law in Egypt, or former President Hosni Mubarak, the dictator ousted for trying to start a dynasty? More broadly, will a...

Accountability? North American Jewish Federations raise 5 million dollars to help mental health services...

As the southern region of Israel endured 2,000 aerial attacks launched by the Gaza Hamas regime. Michael Siegal, the incoming chair of the JFNA Jewish Federations of North America Board of Trustees, ascended the...

West’s pet conflict,7340,L-4316772,00.html For more than 70 years the Israeli-Arab (or Jewish-Arab) conflict has been viewed as the focal point of the Mideast crisis, so much so that the term "peace process" is mentioned only in relation...

Gaza’s tunnels rebound from Israeli offensive

RAFAH, Gaza Strip (AP) - Rafah's biggest industry is back in business: Gazans are rebuilding the network of underground smuggling tunnels crisscrossing the Egyptian border that were pummeled in a recent Israeli offensive, restoring...

Text: Insultingly silly Palestinian NGO statement against death of 17 year old Palestinian who... Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA: Sometimes there are events that are not clear cut. But in this case a 17 year old pointed a gun at an Israeli soldier's head at a checkpoint. There wasn't much of...

Proof of a Scandal: U.S. Policy is Making Syria into an Anti-Western, Antisemitic Islamist... In his article “The Revolt of Islam in Syria” (Jerusalem Post, December 12), Jonathan Spyer - senior fellow at the GLORIA Center - points out compelling information about the new Western-backed leadership in Syria. The...

The Relegitimization of Israel and the Battle for the Mainstream Consensus

The Delegitimization Process and the Boycott: Background and Context The purpose of delegitimization on the international level is to isolate an intended victim from the community of nations as a prelude to bringing about its...

Brog: Is Twitter Above the Law? Social media have revolutionized communications by empowering millions of citizens to leap over traditional barriers and enter the public policy debate. But even in the brave new world of social media, there are still...