Official PA radio news – the PBC Voice of Palestine – Oct 20/21

SUMMARY AND ANALYSIS In the lead-up to the Arab summit, there has once again been a strong escalation in strong rhetoric and atmospheric tension on the Voice of Palestine as shown in the broadcasts of...

Official PA Radio News the PBC Radio November 26

Summary and Analysis VOP has been taking an uncharacteristically low-key tone regarding Israeli casualties in the last few days. It is not only that Israeli civilian deaths and casualties, even in major attacks such as the...

Official Palestinian Authority Voice of Palestine Radio: Dec. 25

Summary and Analysis Christmas morning on the Voice of Palestine was marked by three key items: Holiday comments of Latin Patriarch Michel Sabah; Palestinian protest at the retention of "the bodies of two exalted martyrs" (including the...

Official PA radio news – the PBC radio Dec. 30-31

Summary and Analysis Officials of the PA took a hard line during VOP broadcasts Saturday and Sunday, explicitly toughening negotiating positions publicly while also promising an intensification of para-military activities against Israelis. Prominent hard-liners - e.g.,...

Official PA Radio News The P.B.C. VOP (Voice of Palestine) Radio January 5

Summary and Analysis One has to pay attention to the unusual first item of the morning news-which was also the first item last night: unusual both in tone, style and content. The reliance of Yasser Arafat...

Official PA radio news – The P.B.C. VOP (Voice of Palestine) Radio: January 16th

Summary and Analysis The Palestinian Authority reacted in a very cautious but optimistic way to last night's meetings and continued contacts with Israel: The head of the PA negotiating team, Ahmad Qreia (Abu Ala), told...

Official Palestinian Authority statement on the eve of Sec, of State Colin Powell’s visit

For several days now, the news published in the world about the devastating effects of the Israeli siege imposed upon the Palestinian occupied territory have served to forge a new discourse: it has become...

Reviewing the US AID Report on Malnutrition

On Monday, August 5th, US AID, the Agency for International Development, Scheduled a press conference in Gaza to present their report on the state of malnutrition in the areas under the control of the...

USAID To Monitor Transfer Of Funds From Israel To PA

December 10, 2002 Jerusalem ( - The U.S. Agency for International Development will help monitor the transfer of tax revenues from Israel to the Palestinian Authority to make sure they are not misused. Israel has withheld...

Negative Assessment of Palestinian Authority Reforms

An Israeli intelligence report that was compiled by one of Israel's intelligence services notes that Palestinian Finance Minister Salem Fayed has achieved only partial success in implementing the economic reforms he planned for the...