Ex-NSA op asks Congress to Probe Arafat Murders

A former National Security Agency intelligence analyst in the Middle East is formally petitioning Rep. Henry Hyde and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to investigate the disappearance of recordings made by the NSA of...

“Generic” Complaint that Can be Filed Against the U.S. State Department for Coercing Jews...

(This "generic letter" can be used as the basis for anyone who would like to make claim against the U.S. State Department in the matter of American support for the policies of Ariel Sharon...

Call for Israeli Arabs to Revolt

The official Palestinian broadcast media repeatedly beamed today comments by PLO leader Mahmoud Abbas in which he condemned Israeli Foreign Minister Sylvan Shalom as "undemocratic" because he warned that Israel would be foolish to...

USAID Adds $7 Million to its Education Program

RAMALLAH, West Bank -- The American people Monday donated an extra $7 million to enlarge U.S.-funded higher education and training programs in the West Bank and Gaza. The education projects are part of a $41...

Continues Anti-US Incitement

JERUSALEM, June 4 Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas announced Saturday the indefinite postponement of the Palestinian legislative elections in what was widely seen as a political maneuver designed to help Abbas's faltering Fatah movement reorganize against...

Official Abbas Announcement on PA Media: Postponing PA elections

Analysis of the Palestinian Media June 5 2005---Sunday Palestinian television led its news broadcasts Sunday with the news that Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas had issued a decree on Saturday (June 4) delaying the legislative elections indefinitely....

Official Palestinian Authority Media Report that Israel has Agreed that “Badr Division” of Palestinian...

June 11, 2005 Voice of Palestine radio reported late Saturday that Israel had reached agreement with Jordan and the Palestinian Authority (PA) to allow the "Badr Division" of Palestinian forces to enter the West Bank...

Reassessing Abbas

Even the security establishment now realizes that what we had during Yasser Arafat's time is repeating itself: the Palestinian Authority makes deals and surrenders to the most murderous of the terror organizations and proudly...

An Israeli government working against the interests of the Jewish People?

A colleague who researches anti-Semitism has recently objected to those who describe current Israeli government policies as reminiscent of anti-Semitic regimes of the past. The goal in writing about these issues is to inform,...

Hamad Research Center: Moving the Armed Struggle to Judea and Samaria

The Al-Mustaqbal research center, which is affiliated with Hamas, recently published a study on the future of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the new era after the IDF withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and northern...