From Mortars to Bulldozers – Israel’s Dilemma in the New Year

Israel awakens to a difficult new reality which transcends the perennial debate in Israel over the location of security fences. After all, mortars transcend fences. Ask people evicted from Katif about the 6,000 mortars which reigned...

Plo Leadership Condemns Israel For Shooting Attacks On Jews

Several Palestinian officials and media outlets late last night and this morning (Monday) distributed criticisms of Israel for yesterday's Palestinian terror attacks, saying the shootings hurt Palestinian interests, after Israel closed down roads in...

Canada urged to help resolve Palestinian refugee debate

Canada is uniquely positioned to change the terms of debate about Palestinian refugees and push for their resettlement, an Israeli researcher says. As the second-largest funder of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for...

Abbas Steers Clear Of Condemning Attack

Following Monday's Palestinian bombing in a Tel Aviv restaurant which resulted in the deaths of nine people, the media was rampant with the news of a "clear condemnation of the bombing from Palestinian Authority...

A Journalist Presents Another Perspective for Kadima USA to Consider

According to the position paper issued by Kadima USA, issued on June 5th, 2006, the "current situation in Israel demands physical separation". However, there is more that meets the eye, when it comes to Kadima. Concerning...


On Monday night, Israel's Foreign Minister Tzippy Livni met with the Machmud Abbas, also known as Abu Mazen. Abbas has two identities, both of which he inherited from his mentor, Yassir Arafat - as...

Sec’y Rice Sanctions Terror Group which the State Department Designates as a Terror Organization

Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice has arrived in Israel and scheduled meetings with the Fatah, which operates the Al Aksa Martyrs Brigade, designated by the US State Dep't as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO)...


This message was written in a character set other than your own. If it is not displayed correctly, click here to open it in a new window. October 17, 2006 Round and round we go, and...

US Sec’y of State Rice Launches Initiative for Immediate Arms and Recognition of Palestinian...

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is promoting a new initiative to establish a temporary, sovereign and armed Palestinian state Rice will try to promote her initiative soon through extensive international shuttle diplomacy, which...

Israel Struggles With PLO’s ‘Right Of Return’ Demands

With the genesis of the Oslo process in 1993, what escaped the attention of the mainstream media in Israel and abroad was the continuing insistence of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) that all Palestinian...