As Arab Terror Recovers, Palestinian Media Returns to Old Form: Encouraging Terror, Israeli Arab...

During the month-long Israeli military (IDF) operation in the West Bank, Yasser Arafat's voice - the Voice of Palestine radio- went silent for several weeks, as the IDF kept the Palestinians off the air. But...

Critics pressing U.N.R.W.A.

Efforts to investigate the United Nations Relief and Welfare Agency, which is accused of allowing terrorism to flourish in the refugee camps it services, are falling flat on Capitol Hill and in the United...

Years of Hope

Years of hope, Z.B. Begin, Ha'Aretz, September 6, 2002 A reminder September 9, 1993 Yitzhak Rabin, Prime Minister of Israel Mr. Prime Minister, The signing of the Declaration of Principles marks a new era in the history of the...

Slurring Israel: A Critique of the Annual US Human Rights Report on Israel

Ever since the days when the Carter administration required that the U.S. oversee human rights policies and practices that remain an integral part of the policies of all nations abroad, the U.S. State Department...

PBC Radio Describes Death of an Infiltrator as “Having Died a Heroic Death”

Muhammad Abbas's firing of three Gaza security officials has been seen by Western observers as one of several steps by Abbas, a.k.a. Abu Mazen to show he is fighting violence and calls to violence,...

The Cease Fire That Wasn’t…

Following any negotiation, when the principals do not come out and meet the press at the end of an event, that is an indication that no agreement was reached. Avi Pazner, acting in his capacity...

Talking Peace and Executing Those Who Cooperate With Israel

Israel believed that Abu Mazen's election marked a new attitude in the Palestinian Authority towards human rights, but it appears that with regard to those who cooperate with Israel, the attitude is the same...

The Palestinian “Temporary Cease-Fire”: A Definition of Terms

The election of Mahmud Abbas (Abu Mazen)...has brought about a change in the Palestinian Authority's policy on continuing the "armed intifada." At the same time, the paramount interest of Hamas and Islamic Jihad is...

The Current State of Peres

After years of speculation that the architects of the Sharon plan had an economic motivation up their sleeve, Deputy Prime Minister Shimon Peres, the original architect of the Oslo process, told the AP that...

P.A. Said to Issue Fictitious Security Claims

Israel has determined that the Palestinian Authority has falsely claimed to have foiled Palestinian insurgency attacks against Israel. Israeli security sources said PA claims of insurgency attacks thwarted or the capture of operatives over the...