The Mixed Messages of the Palestinian Authority Media

The official Palestinian Authority (PA) media sent a series of mixed messages to the Palestinian audience today regarding continuing violence against Israeli targets. PA officials and the PA endorsed the "tahdiyya" - "cooling off period"...

Questioning Whether the Palestinian Authority Police Force Acted to Close a Weapons Smuggling Tunner

Wednesday, June 1, 2005 Yesterday it was reported in the news that Palestinian policemen in Khan Yunis discovered a tunnel leading into Gush Katif and blocked it. We in Gush Katif can only express our...

PA Media Reflecting Internal Strife

June 16, 2005 Background Analysis-up front There are several strong messages at the edges of the press reports in the Palestinian Authority (PA) which do not always find themselves in the headlines but which is becoming...

Where is UNRWA Going After the Withdrawal from Katif?

In early November, shortly after Israel had pulled out of Gaza, Israeli Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom met with UNRWA's new commissioner-general, Karen AbuZayd. Shalom suggested, during that meeting, that it might be time for...

Hizballah And Palestinian Authority Escalating Anti-American Propaganda

Hizballah is now placing an unambiguous "bulls-eye" on the United States, calling America and its leaders state terrorists, and symbolically placing America in the same "enemy" class as "the Zionists" - Israel. "Here is the...

Hezbollah’s War

"Here is the president of terror," proclaims a Hizballah propaganda film montage on Al-Manar television, showing the face of President Bush alongside an American flag. As faces of dead and wounded children appear on...


Israel's military has been ordered not to respond to Palestinian missile strikes. Israeli military sources said Southern Command was banned from sending ground troops into the northern Gaza Strip to halt Palestinian gunners. They said the...

Israel – The American Interest

The question of whether Israel is or is not an asset to the United States is one we rarely bother to ask ourselves. Time and again, we see prominent Americans -- presidents of the...


Islamic Jihad has maintained a network along the border with Israel. Israeli security sources said the Iranian-sponsored Jihad has established a network in Bethlehem, adjacent to Jerusalem. The sources said Jihad used Bethlehem as a...

Hamas has established a control center for missile strikes against Israel

Hamas has been operating a C2 center to coordinate Kassam-class, short-range missile attacks against Israel. Israeli military sources said Hamas, with help from the Iranian-sponsored Hizbullah, established several such centers in the northern Gaza...