Official Palestinian Authority Radio: The Voice of Palestine – Dec. 21/22

Summary and Analysis There is a subtle but definite change in VOP coverage of the American- Palestinian-Israeli talks in Bolling Base in Washington. Although the reporting is very low-key, and although the PA repudiates reports...

Official PA Radio News: Voice of Palestine January 1, 2001

Summary and Analysis VOP ended its holiday schedule following the month of Ramadan and the Festival of the Feast ('Eid al-Fitr), but it entered into the day of the 36th anniversary of the founding of...

Official PA radio news – The P.B.C. VOP (Voice of Palestine) Radio: January 14th

Summary and Analysis In its Sunday morning broadcasts, the VOP news coverage was fairly evenly divided between three subjects: Continuing talks on final status issues, despite Palestinian views that nothing substantive is being accomplished; Continuing coverage of...

Dateline Jerusalem: Journalists Under Palestinian Pressure?

The Palestinian Authority has a thing about journalists. The independent Committee for the Protection of Journalists which monitors abuses against the press and promotes press freedom around the world reports: "In the nearly seven...

Official Palestinian Radio News: The Voice of Palestine (V.O.P.) February 15-16th

Quote of the Day-February 15 The terrorism (by Israel) yesterday involved the use of gas bombs which we do not know how to treat this poison. We are against escalation and terror. We are in...

Official PA radio news – P.B.C. V.O.P. (Voice of Palestine) Radio: February 27th

Summary and Analysis In the aftermath of the visit of Colin Powell, both the Palestinian Authority and Israel agree on one thing: there has been an escalation of organized physical violence and verbal exhortation and...

Where has All of Israel Gone?

At one or two shops in the Old City of Jerusalem and tourist sites in areas ruled by the Palestinian Authority, people can pick up a map entitled "Palestine, the Holy Land Tourist Map". Published...

PLO War Plans Under Way

In Nablus, Jenin, and Gaza,they are preparing for war. Officials in the Palestinian Authority fear that an Israeli invasion of PA territory will happen in a matter of days. Their assumption is that Israel is waiting...

Does Peres Still Plan to Fund Raise for Arafat in Oslo?

The spate of terror attacks in Israel on December 1st and 2nd found Israel Foreign Minister Shimon Peres chairing a cabinet meeting in Jerusalem on the morning of December 2nd in his role as...

The US will not Break off Contact Yet it Defines it as a Terror...

US Response to PA Bush: We won't replace Arafat and we won't close PLO offices Yedioth Ahronoth (p. 4) by Shimon Shiffer -- The US does not plan to close the PLO offices in Washington and...