How CNN Could Establish Integrity: Run Ten Segments on a Day in the Life...

On Tuesday morning, June 19th, we began the day with the horrific news of yet another bus bombing in Jerusalem. A colleague who covers Arabic language media output of the Palestinian Authority, reported how the...

Interview with The Director of IDF Intelligence: “… Iraq Has Non-Conventional Weapons”

Where is Saddam Hussein? Is he alive or dead? What became of his sons? Where is he hiding the missiles and launchers? What are the "sensitive things" that Saddam's associates in Baghdad handed over...

Delivering the UNRWA report to the Canadian Parliament and the US Congress this Past...

This week, between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, I traveled to the US and Canada in order to share vital data on the "right of return" agenda of UNRWA. This UN agency, which runs the...

Is Hamas Preparing to Inherit The Palestinian Authority?

There is growing evidence that Fatah, the Palestinian faction that today dominates the PLO, may not remain the power center of Palestinian politics in the post-Arafat era. Hamas is preparing itself to inherit the...

Fatah said to be Main Impetus for Suicide Bombings

The ruling Fatah movement led by Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat is said to be the leading force behind efforts to resume suicide bombings against Israel. Israeli security sources said the Fatah movement has been...

When Will Nusseibeh Speak “Moderation” on the PBC?

Larry Lowenthal, head of the American Jewish Committee in Boston, misses the point: At the December 10th lunch in Boston, Sari Nusseibeh was not asked the key question: Since Nusseibeh holds a key position in the...

“Bush gave Abbas the impression he didn’t have to fight terror now”

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon yesterday voiced disappointment with the result of last Thursday's meeting between President George Bush and Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas in Washington. "The Palestinians came out feeling no pressure to fight...

Official PA website blames Israel for those murdered by Documentation: Official PA website blames...

#1 PA now blames Israel PA website on 21 June 2005: "Israel's officially adopted policy of extra-judicial killings claimed the lives of six Palestinians, including two laborers, and a Chinese worker early in June." #2 PA...

“Abbas possesses more power over PA than he admits”

The head of the Shin Bet security services, Yuval Diskin, said on Wednesday that Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas had more power in the PA than he claims to possess. Speaking during a security cabinet...

“We Consider any Israeli Withdrawal a Victory for Palestinians”

GAZA, Palestine, June 28, 2005 (IPC + Agencies) - - The Minister of Civil Affairs and in charge of the Israel Withdrawal Portfolio, Mohammed Dahlan, said that the Palestinian side would deal with any...