PA won’t disarm Hamas, Islamic Jihad

Hamas and Islamic Jihad announced on Monday that they have reached an agreement with the Palestinian Authority according to which the two groups would not be disarmed. The agreement was reportedly achieved during talks in...

Is the US Pressuring Israel to Allow “Safe Passage” for PLO Convoys to Traverse...

Plans are afoot by the US State Department to force ISrael to open a route from Gaza to the West Bank through the southern half of Israel. This has implications to cut Israel in...


If Hezbollah -- using sophisticated PR -- has promoted the perception that we've lost, then this rebounds on us seriously within the Arab world, which will be ready to see us as vulnerable and...

Our World: Tzipi Livni and us

Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni is an interesting case study in how a public image can trump professional competence in Israeli politics. Livni was brought into politics by then prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu in 1999. The...

Palestinian-Israeli “Ceasefire” Already A Dud

Israel and the Palestinian Authority began a "ceasefire" Sunday morning that was highly unusual in several ways: • The Hamas terror organization promised immediately that it would use the respite to continue weapons smuggling and...


(video footage available from the Center for Near East Policy Research. ) "Our rifles, all our rifles are aimed at The Occupation," declared Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas today (January 11) in a major...


The Palestinian Authority can't find hundreds of millions of dollars of money provided by donor nations. Officials said the Finance Ministry has lost all track of funds, receipts and salaries. They said donor nations, who...

Palestinian Authority (PA) Cheerleading Increasing Terror Attacks

Palestinian terrorists staged a massive series of rocket and mortar attacks along Israel's southern border in an apparent attempt to abduct another Israeli soldier, and Israeli army officers renewed their calls for a major...

Bush To Make Visit To Israel

It was announced last night that United States President George W. Bush will make his first official visit - while in office - to Israel and the Palestinian Authority in January. This visit will be...

Palestinian Official Supports Livni As Kadima Chairman

Last week the chairman of the Palestinian negotiation team with Israel, Ahmed Qureia Abu Ala voiced unequivocal support for the candidacy of his negotiation partner, Israel Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, for chairman of Kadima. His...