The Palestinians’ Unilateral “Kosovo Strategy”: Implications for the PA and Israel'_Unilateral_"Kosovo_Strategy":_Implications_for_the_PA_and_Israel Dan Diker is Director of the Institute for Contemporary Affairs at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, where he is also a senior foreign policy analyst. He is also an Adjunct Fellow of the...

Norwegian Government Ready to Endorse Hamas regime That Promises to Continue the War to...

This article was written by reporter Samuel Sokol: Jerusalem- The foreign ministry of Norway has sponsored an endorsement of Hamas' "hudna" The unofficial endorsement came in the form of a research paper published by the Norwegian...

How The Palestinian Authority Fights Corruption The Palestinian Authority government has also warned Palestinian journalists against helping Western correspondents cover the crackdown. If Abu Rihan were a Chinese dissident imprisoned in Beijing, his case would have been endorsed by human...

Fatal Flaws in the Reliance upon International Guarantees When an earlier Secretary of State before Hillary Clinton, namely Condoleezza Rice, arrived several times in Jerusalem she pressured the then weak and embattled Israeli government of Ehud Olmert into continuing the dreary and...

Marathons and Media Bias in the West Bank When the news broke last week that Israel had prevented Gazan runners from participating in the West Bank’s first marathon, my initial reaction was to wonder why Israel had done something so stupid. Granted,...

Israel’s Two-state “Solution” Pyrrhic Victory In 280-279 BCE, Greek King Pyrrhus' army suffered irreplaceable casualties in defeating the Romans at Heraclea and at Asculum. King Pyrrhus soon lost the war against the Romans. The term "Pyrrhic Victory" describes situations...

SENIOR FATAH MEMBER RAJOUB SUGGESTS PA GET CLOSER TO IRAN I met Jabril Rajoub, senior Fatah member five years ago in Jerusalem which is why last week's news item on May 1 about Rajoub caught my attention. According to Iran’s IRNA news agency, Rajoub...

Abbas and the “Right of Return Will Defeat John Kerry

When the Kerry negotiations fail to achieve an Israeli-Palestinian peace, many observers in Europe and even some in the United States will attribute the disappointment to Israel and especially to “Israel’s right wing government”...

“Moderate” Fatah Also Firing Rockets Fatah has several hundred militiamen in the Gaza Strip, some of whom are members of the Palestinian Authority security forces, who continue to receive their salaries from Western governments. At least two Fatah armed groups...

Please confirm if UNRWA will remove these books from its syllabus

Tamara Alrifai UNRWA Spokesperson Mobile: +962 (0)79 090 0140   Dear Tamara.   We read with interest your statement of zero tolerance for incitement in UNRWA education    In that context, will UNRWA remove any of the texts referred to in the following...