A Biden error on refugees

US President Joe Biden earned deserved modest praise for his visit to Israel and Saudi Arabia in mid-July, restoring confidence in core Middle East alliances. But the President made at least one major misstep:...

Par for the course

The Jewish year may be winding down but Jews and Israel continue to dominate the news one way or another. Some events from the recent past seem to have sunk into oblivion. Others may have...

UN Report Finds Hamas Committed Sexual Violence and Torture on Oct. 7

Hamas likely committed mass acts of gang-rape and torture against women during its massacre across southern Israel on Oct. 7 and may today still be abusing women kept as hostages in Gaza, the United...

Official PA radio news – the PBC Voice of Palestine – Oct 18/19

SUMMARY The Palestinian Authority yesterday announced compliance with the Sharm summit understandings, but the announcement (which ran first at 2-PM on Oct. 18 and subsequently) was noteworthy for three factors: 1. It was terse. 2....

Official Palestinian Authority Voice of Israel Radio Broadcasts – January 3

Quote of the Day "We will not accept the Arab neighborhoods of Jerusalem being segmented and separated one from another with an Israeli region clucking (i.e. gloatingly controlling) over them and controlling them as...

A Comprehensive Critique: Amnesty and Human Rights Issues in the Arab-Israeli Conflict

NGO Monitor Analysis (Vol. 1 No. 4) The cycle of death goes on and on... in the west there is a universal shaking of sophisticated heads and a weary, liberal sigh. Tut tut, there they...

US Administration Appears to Shift on the Hamas

CRAWFORD, Texas (Reuters) - The Bush administration is showing signs of easing its hard-line approach toward Hamas, in response to the militant group's rising political clout in the Palestinian territories and appeals for flexibility...

Palestinian Authority Responds to Charges of Incitement in Their Text Books

In a report titled "The Myth of Incitement in Palestinian Textbooks," the Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education has refuted as "unfounded" the Israeli and US allegations that Palestinian textbooks incite hatred and...


The Fatah movement, bolstered by Western aid, has received new shipments of assault rifles and ammunition. Palestinian sources said Fatah units in the West Bank received thousands of U.S.-origin M-16 assault rifles. They said the...

Palestinian Public Opinion Poll No (28): 75.8% Reconciliation impossible this generation even if Palestinians...

12 June 2008 These are the results of the latest poll conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR) in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip between 5 and 7 June...