Four Questions for Fayyad

Salman Fayad has announced that he may resign as the head of the Palestinian Authority, where he earned an undeserved reputation with the media as someone who led the Palestinian Arab people in a...

Philadelphia Inquirer: U.S. Government and European Community Finance PLO Broadcasts

I am a daughter of Palestine.... Koran in my right hand, in my left -- a knife. A slightly older girl with her ponytail wrapped in a checkered kaffiyeh gives an emotional recitation of a poem...

Lessening UNRWA’s damage Critics of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), the organization tasked with oversight of Palestine refugees, have tended to focus on its sins. Its camps are havens for terrorists. Its bureaucracy is bloated...

Business as usual for Palestinian incitement If you truly want to know from which hateful and poisonous springs the murderers now being released drew their loathing of Jews; if you have asked yourself what causes a Palestinian, like Hazem Kassem...

Is the Temple Mount in Danger of Collapse?

Israel fears that Temple Mount retaining wall will collapse and that the region will burn. The problem: Aerial photographs of Temple Mount have proven that al-Aqsa Mosque's southern wall is inclined to one side....

An examination of the names of the fatalities in the IDF airstrikes during the...

An examination of the names of the fatalities in the IDF airstrikes during the first two days of Operation Guardian of the Walls reveals that most of them were terrorist operatives- E_080_21 (1) Overview The following...

What About Building in the Arab Sector of Israel?

As the government declares "war" on unauthorized Jewish communities, Arabs, funded by the Palestinian Authority, are deciding Israel's future borders through unhindered illegal building. An investigative report by Erez Tadmor, of the Hebrew weekly Makor...

Perspective on Sharon’s Military Victory over the Palestinian Liberation Army

Jews, by their nature and their heritage, cannot bring themselves to say that they have "only" suffered a few hundred losses during a time of war. Jewish tradition has it that murdering even one...

The Text of the Sharon Retreat Plan: With Commentary in Brackets

Disengagement Plan - General Outline (18/04/2004) 1. General Israel is committed to the peace process and aspires to reach an agreed resolution of the conflict on the basis of the principle of two states for two...

Popular Committees Activists in Judea and Samaria Plan a New Wave of Popular Resistance...

Overview 1. Statements made recently by prominent figures in the popular committees against the fence and settlements reflect the organization's intention for a new wave of defiant anti-Israeli activities. They are as part of the...