Mahmoud Abbas can’t meet Israel’s basic requirement for peace

At an Independence Day reception for foreign diplomats, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke of Israel’s desire for peace with the Palestinians. “Peace will be based on the principle of two states for two peoples,”...

What is the difference between the Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research and...

While other organizations focus only on PA terror, PA media, or PA text books, the Bedein Center focuses on the total picture: 1) We challenge those who fund and conceptualize the war curriculum for the...

From Mortars to Bulldozers – Israel’s Dilemma in the New Year

Israel awakens to a difficult new reality which transcends the perennial debate in Israel over the location of security fences. After all, mortars transcend fences. Ask people evicted from Katif about the 6,000 mortars which reigned...

How Palestinian Arabs Have Been Transformed From Being the Aggressor to the Victim

Operation Guardian of the Walls According to the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, during the 11 days of Operation Guardian of the Walls, more than 4,360 rockets were intentionally launched at densely populated Israeli cities,...

Briefing: Biden creates vital conditions for UNRWA funding  

Guest post: UNRWA – Not part of the solution but part of the problem This is another guest post by Brian Goldfarb, a frequent reader and contributor to this blog. “Not part of the solution, but part of the problem” - What is? Well, if we’re talking about the...

Our World: Tzipi Livni and us

Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni is an interesting case study in how a public image can trump professional competence in Israeli politics. Livni was brought into politics by then prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu in 1999. The...

WJC ANALYSIS – The long-suffering Palestinian electoral process Over the past weekend, the Palestinian Authority held a round of local elections. It appeared to be an ordinary and routine local authority matter. However, it was anything but that. This election round was meant...

Theatre of the Absurd in Sderot

On Thursday night, I was walking through the streets of Sderot, on my way to present my short movie at the Sderot "Cinemateque", about my travels in Far East. As I walked through the center...

Mahmoud Abbas’s Demands: A Decree of Israel’s Surrender

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The demands issued by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas show a clear intention to turn the clock back. Israel cannot accept these dictates, which would have been rejected out of hand by Yitzhak...