Gaza Rally for “Right of Return Attended by UN Official Last week on “Nakba Day,” the Palestinian commemoration of the disaster that was the founding of Israel, a group of children addressed a press conference at the Palestinian Ministry of Culture in Gaza. The...

Knesset Review Reveals: Israel Does Not Exist in PA Textbooks The textbooks used in UNRWA-funded schools never acknowledge any Jewish rights in “Palestine”, nor any Jewish past in the Land of Israel, said Dr. Arnon Groiss, a respected expert in the promotion of Tolerance...

A Review of “Doodling for Saddam: The Use of Cartoons in Palestinian Newspaper to...

The Palestinian Authority is inciting its citizens against America, and the publication of anti-American sentiments in the government-controlled press proves it, an informed critic said here. David Bedein, bureau chief of the Israel Resource News...

UNRWA donors conference: opportunity for donor nations to change UNRWA policies

The news and research office that I have been running since 1987 focuses on UNRWA, with the hope that the 5.3 million descendants of Arab refugees from 1948 who benefit from UNRWA services in...

Palestinian Arab Educator Bemoans the Cut-off of Funds to PA Schools

What Palestinian students are taught in the classroom and what textbooks they read have somehow become a major issue in the current debate on ways to end the cycle of violence in the Israeli-Palestinian...

Disengagement Won’t Stop Firing of Kassam Rockets

As a result of the evacuation of the Israeli settlements and IDF forces from the Gaza Strip, 44 more Israeli residential areas will be within the range of Palestinian Kassam rockets. Army sources predict...

Comprehensive Report: What Message Has Arafat’s PBC Radio Newsreel Conveyed Since the September 11...

The Palestinian Authority has actually escalated the war-making component of its propaganda organs: Voice of Palestine Radio and Palestinian Television---even as it tells the West that it is entering a cease fire with Israel. In...

The biggest leak in the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict Over the last several months, Al Jazeera has been given the largest-ever leak of confidential documents related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. There are nearly 1,700 files, thousands of pages of diplomatic correspondence detailing the...

Talking Peace and Executing Those Who Cooperate With Israel

Israel believed that Abu Mazen's election marked a new attitude in the Palestinian Authority towards human rights, but it appears that with regard to those who cooperate with Israel, the attitude is the same...

Profile of Stanley Cohen, the Jewish Lawyer for the Hamas

NEW YORK -- Israel is a "terrorist state," he says. Palestinians have no choice but to attack Israelis "by any means necessary," he says. Yes, that includes suicide bombings. Who is this bearded supporter of...