U.N. Agency Balks At Transferring Duties To Palestinians

A U.N. agency dedicated to the welfare of Palestinian Arabs is resisting Israel's suggestion that it hand over some of its responsibilities in Gaza to the Palestinian Authority. The idea was raised by Israel's foreign...

Debunking The Most Popular Lies About Israel

This is the video that Palestinian leaders don’t want you to see. In fact, they want it DELETED.

Chip Roy leads house effort to cut funding to anti-Israel U.N. office

https://roy.house.gov/media/press-releases/chip-roy-leads-house-effort-cut-funding-anti-israel-un-office This is legislation we  endorse   in the US, Canada. the UK , Germany, Sweden and Israel-   Simply put,  donations  to UNRWA must  be tied to a directive for  UNRWA to cut all ties with terrorism.. When our new movie is screened in...

PROPOSED Investigation Into COGAT and Israel Corporate Sector Complicit Operations in the PA, especially...

Israeli corporations have a de facto monopoly on the provision of supplies to Gaza and other PA areas. The ability of these corporations to sustain their exclusive control of this multi-billion dollar market is wholly dependent...

Challenge To New Israeli Government

On February 5, outgoing Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert ordered 170 million shekels, the equivalent of $43 million, to be transferred to Gaza. Mr. Olmert said the funds represented an Israeli commitment to divert tax...

PBC Radio today: Our brothers in Haifa, Jaffa, Jerusalem, Gaza, we now all speak...

PBC, the Palestine Broadcasting Corporation Radio Station, represents the official voice of the Palestinian Authority. PBC Broadcast: 29/11/2012 Time: 0845 AM “Today the whole world recognizes the criminality of the occupation, the existence of a Palestinian State....

Knesset Investigation of Alleged Corruption on the Highest Level of the Disenagement Process Commences

The Israel Parliamentary Knesset Oversight Committee, which oversees all aspects of Israel Government Accountability, chaired by Member of Knesset Dr. Yuri Shtern, of the Israel National Union Party, has summoned the Israeli official appointed...

Knesset lobby convenes to discuss antisemitism by BDS, Palestinians

The Knesset lobby to combat antisemitism spread by the Boycott, Divestments and Sanctions (BDS) movement and the Palestinian Authority held a discussion on antisemitism to mark the International Holocaust Remembrance Day on Wednesday. The Center...

Our march 2022 mission to London

Date: Thu, Mar 31, 2022 In March 2022, David Bedein visited the UK, asking British citizens and Israel embassy officials if they would ask for constraints over  UK funds for UNRWA & the PA Background: 1. The UK acts as the third largest donor...

Freeze​ of 150 million in pay-for-slay funds​ means nothing

The Israeli government freeze​ of 150 million in pay-for-slay funds​, the precise ​amount designated for ​PLO terrorists and ​their ​families​,​ carries no weight and no significance​. This does not cancel the unprecedented ordinance of the...