Weekly Commentary: President Biden Deputizes State Department To Engage In Lawfare Against Israel Without...

Thursday, February 1, 2024 Weekly Commentary: President Biden Deputizes State Department To Engage In Lawfare Against Israel Without Needing A CourtWeekly Commentary: President Biden Deputizes State Department To Engage In Lawfare Against Israel Without Needing A...

Terror United

Last Monday's suicide terror attack in the southern Israeli resort city of Eilat, which resulted in the murder of three civilians in a bakery, should end the perception that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas...

CIA Resumes Training PLO Security Forces

A team of CIA monitors and advisers on security have arrived in Cairo, and will soon move to the Gaza Strip, senior Palestinian Authority sources told The Jerusalem Post. The team will advise the...

Washington Post: Old Arab Order Pro-bin Laden! British Government: Hamas-Fatah Merger is Great

http://www.gloria-center.org/ gloria/2011/05/washington- post-old-arab-order-pro-bin- laden It is amazing what nonsense appears in the mass media. Consider the following paragraph from a Washington Post story: "A decade ago, the Middle East might have responded to the killing of...

The Taliban’s Palestinian Partners: Implications for the Middle East Peace Process

Institute for Contemporary Affairs Founded jointly with the Wechsler Family Foundation No. 652,     September 5, 2021 The Taliban’s reconquering of Afghanistan has reenergized the global jihad’s war against the West, inspiring other regional Islamist and extremist...

Arabs No Longer Take Obama Administration Seriously

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/4236/arabs-obama-administration The communiqué issued by Arab heads of state at the end of their summit in Kuwait this week shows that the Arab countries do not hold the Obama Administration in high regard or even...


Vic Toews, currently Canada’s Minister of Public Security visiting Jordan in January 2010. All photos courtesy of Minister Toews. Minister Toews visiting Jordan, January 2010. Minister Toews visiting Jordan, January 2010. Minister Toews meeting in Ramallah with...

Gilad Shalit Release: Israel’s Joy Tempered by Memories of an Intifadeh

http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2097192,00.html Israel was happy, very happy. The news of a deal to bring home the kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit arrived with the holiday of Sukkot, a traditionally cheerful weeklong harvest festival made effervescent by the...

Al-Ahram: Peace Offensive, Israel’s Security, Beyond Oslo

The following are selections from articles which appeared in the Egyptian English weekly, "Al-Ahram" of Al-Ahram Weekly, 18th - 24th June, 1998 Truthful Lies, Respectable Murder by Radwa Ashour The Egyptian-Israeli peace offensive is a new...

Lawrence of Palestine

Marc served as Chief Army Security Coordinator for the Shilo Region in Israel from 1996 through 2006. Marc coordinated all security related issues ranging from counter-terrorism defense to emergency response and management. Today Marc consults and lectures on various aspects of counter-terrorism. Marc is still involved in the planning and implementation of security operations. Marc also serves the One Israel Fund as its new Security Projects Director and oversees all aspects of lifeâ€saving security projects for One Israel Fund in the areas of Judea and Samaria. Marc is also active in support of these critically needed programs and makes frequent trips to the US lecturing about security in Judea and Sameria. He made Aliyah from the U.S. in 1978, and now lives in Shiloh, Israel, with his wife and four children.