Power Point: The Next Intifada

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Danger looms: After months of lockdown, UNRWA to reopen schools – in Gaza, Aug....

Is renewed education on the premises of a United Nations school system not a positive development? Not necessarily. UNRWA schools in Gaza operate under the control of Hamas, defined by the US, Canada, EU, the UK...

Another Gazan boy, who according to the New York Times list died in ...

Overview On May 28, 2021, the front page of the New York Times published pictures of children and adolescents killed in the Gaza Strip and Israel during Operation Guardian of the Walls with the...

UN guards prevent Israeli evidence of pro-Hitler UN teachers

United Nations guards did not allow Israel’s U.S. and UN ambassador to bring in proof to a General Assembly meeting of the anti-Israel nature of many teachers employed by UNRWA, the organization’s agency that...

The new laser based air defense will work along with iron dome


A25 PAGE EXEC SUMMARY: Jews and the Jewish State in Schoolbooks Used by UNRWA:...

Jews and the Jewish State in Schoolbooks Used by UNRWA: De-legitimization, Demonization and Indoctrination to War By Arnon Groiss (November 2016)  UNRWA's Educational Activity The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) was established following the Arab-Israeli war of 1948 in...

Fatah Day Unrwa Deheishe Refugee Camp 2022

Fatah Day Unrwa Deheishe Refugee Camp 2022 Hebrew subtitles https://vimeo.com/661938788 English subtitles:‬ https://vimeo.com/662065494 STILL PHOTOS TAKEN FROM THE ARMED UNRWA RIGHT OF RETURN MARCH ON. 1.1.22 PHOTOS COPYRIGHTED BY THE BEDEIN CENTER FOR NEAR EAST POLICY RESEARCH ANY PHOTO MAY BE...

Lehrinstruktionen des UN-Palästinenser-Hilfswerks verbreiten Hass

Im Gegensatz zu den USA will Europa trotzdem weiter für die UNWRA zahlen, obwohl diese gegen die UN-Standards für Friedenserziehung verstößt. Der Arabist Dr. Arnon Groiss, vorher bei Israels öffentlich-rechtlicher Hörfunkanstalt Kol Israel, heute bei der Israel...

Conference- Holding UNRWA accountable

Hold UNRWA Accountable ad (13.56 × 15.24 cm)-2 (5) (1)

Experts Urge UAE to Stop Funding Terror Incitement in Palestinian Schools Following Peace Deal

JERUSALEM, Israel - As headlines praise the peace agreement between Israel and the UAE, some question whether the Gulf State can keep the peace. That’s because it financially supports an educational curriculum of hate...