Abbas Refused Offer to Resettle Refugees in Sinai Photo Credit: Asher Schwartz PA President Mahmoud Abbas has refused an offer by a senior Egyptian official to resettle “Palestinian refugees” in the Sinai, according to a report in the Middle East Monitor on Monday. According...

Summer anti-Semitic Demonstrations The gate to an UNRWA facility in Gaza. Photo Credit: Wissam Nassar/FLASH90 During the summer of 2014, more than 100  synchronized  anti-Semitic demos occurred across the face of the earth.  As an MSW practitioner of community...

PA to pay Hamas employees in Gaza   BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- The Palestinian Authority will pay Hamas civil servants in Gaza on Wednesday, ending a months-long salary crisis following the announcement of a unity government. Senior Hamas official Mousa Abu Marzouq said an...

PSR post ceasfire poll of Palestinians: Haniyeh 61% Abbas 32%., Hamas 46% Fatah 31%...   "As expected, and as we saw in previous instances during and immediately after Israeli wars with Hamas, findings show a spike in the popularity of Hamas and its leaders and a major decline in...

Iran’s Threats to “Arm the West Bank” Must Be Taken Seriously Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) announced on August 24 that it had shot down an Israeli reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) over its uranium enrichment facilities in Natanz (Esfahan Province). The Guards Corps...

[Close but no cigar]An Nahar: American project for Security Council resolution to make Gaza... [Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA: "any process to resolve the situation in Gaza in a permanent and meaningful manner must ultimately lead to the establishment of the Gaza Strip as an area free of any armed...

The Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the Military Wing of Fatah, Is Officially Returning to Armed...

The official reestablishment of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades should serve as a red light regarding the validity of a future undertaking by Mahmoud Abbas to act against terror in the context of a political...

NO CALL FOR DISARMING THE TERRORISTS NOW Secretary of State John Kerry Statement on... Consider the contrast: "All terrorist groups in Gaza must disarm" Council of the European Union 15.8.2014 The following statement by Secretary of State John Kerry has NOTHING CLOSE TO THE EU call. Mr. Kerry talks of reconstruction but "peace...

Saleh al-Arouri, Turkey-based senior Hamas operative who handles military-terrorist networks in Judea and Samaria,...  Saleh Muhammad Suleiman al-Arouri (, July 20, 2014). Overview 1.   Saleh Muhammad Suleiman al-Arouri is a senior Hamas operative based in Turkey. On August 20 2014, he told the participants of the fourth conference of the World Union...

Qatar’s Rise and America’s Tortured Middle East Policy One of the most notable aspects of the current conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza is the prominent role being played by the Emirate of Qatar in supporting the terrorist organization, whose genocidal...