Palestinians pop up in Panama Papers
Ever since the inception of the Palestinian Authority (PA) in 1994, local and international organizations have repeatedly issued reports on the rampant corruption plaguing its ministries and departments. The problem is not limited to...
Leaving a real Mideast legacy?
The political deadlock between Israel and the Palestinian Authority will not be resolved any time soon.
Israel demands that the PA recognize it as a Jewish state and put an end to its war-inciting education,...
Recent Video Shows Palestinian School Children Subjected to Anti-Israel Indoctrination
Palestinian children study a chapter of anti-Israel hatred in a YouTube video from the Hamas-affiliated Shihab news agency.
1. The Hamas-affiliated Shihab news agency recently posted a video to its Facebook page entitled "The Palestinian...
US gov’t fabrication: that PA/UNRWA school books meet standards of peace education
1. Last July, our agency met with U.S. State Dept officials who supervise school books for the PA and UNRWA, who assured us that new PA/UNRWA school books will now reflect principles of peace,...
UNRWA school holds ceremony celebrating stabbing attacks
"On October 20, as Israelis were being stabbed and run over daily by Palestinians, the UNRWA Gaza City camp school "A" held a ceremony supporting the stabbings and car rammings... Here are some of...
UNRWA Spreads Jihad to Schoolkids in Palestine With U.S. Tax Dollars
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) of which the U.S. is the largest donor with a 2013 contribution of $130 million, is radicalizing small schoolchildren into Islamic jihad terrorism.
A horrific example of...
‘No education toward 2 states in Palestinian textbooks,’ report finds
Israel is routinely left off maps, Israeli cities are said to be in Palestine, martyrdom is celebrated, and there is not a single mention of the Holocaust in more than 70 official Palestinian Authority...
I de nya palestinska (PA) Skolverket undervisas det om Israel och Judar i PA...
Produceras för en rättvis och laglig gemensam strävan, Israeliska Legal Forum och Centrum för Nära Östen Policy forskning.
En företrädare för det amerikanska utrikesdepartementet besökte vårt center i juli 2015 och försäkrade vår personal att...
Required Changes in Palestinian Authority/UNRWA Schoolbooks – to conform with peace policies advocated by...
Research by Dr. Arnon Groiss.
Since 2000, Dr. Arnon Groiss has examined the new school books which were put in use by the PA and UNRWA between 2000 and 2006m with the generous funding of...
PA Chairman Abbas incites to violence in Jerusalem
Mahmoud Abbas, Chairman of the Palestinian Authority, was interviewed on Palestinian television on Wednesday, 16 September about the violent riots on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem that were initiated by radical Islamists. During the...