Palestinians facing deep crisis and internal dissent amid US aid curbs
The Palestinian Authority is in deep crisis as the United States has sharply cut direct aid to the Palestinians and other assistance to them via the United Nations amid reports of misuse of funds...
Comments on the 2021 Georg Eckert Institute’s Report on Palestinian Textbooks
(This piece was first published by IMPACT-SE:
The Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research has recently completed a research of 174 textbooks and 16 teachers' guides for grades 1-12 published by the Palestinian...
South Hebron Hills ‘Settler Violence’ – The Other Side of the Story
The Arab narrative of the events of the day were immediately adopted by the media,” activist Ari Kaniel said. “Why does nobody ask what made Orthodox Jews throw rocks on a holy day, something...
US holds back on Funds for UNRWA: Opportune time to hold UNRWA accountable
UNRWA has faced a difficult week.
On September 9, UNRWA donor nations gathered for a conference in Amman to launch a new school year for half a million students who learn in UNRWA schools located...
UNRWA’s Jihad against Israel (Part Three)
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) has turned “their plight into a political tool” for Israel’s destruction, Center for Near East Policy Research (CNEPR) Director...
Hamas’ secret foreign investment portfolio reportedly worth $500m
Hamas has a secret overseas investment portfolio worth more than $500 million, documents seen by a German newspaper have suggested.
The investments include interests in about 40 international companies controlled by Hamas in the Middle East and...
List of Over 100 UNWRA School Teachers, Principals & Other Staff Identified By UN...
List of Over 100 UNWRA School Teachers, Principals & Other Staff Identified By UN WATCH For Inciting Antisemitism or Supporting Terrorism / UN Watch
Web Page
Statement of UNRWA on the use of PLO school books
Statement From: "ALRIFAI, Tamara"
Q:As a result of the memo with the US, will UNRWA be making any revisions in its curriculum?
A: UNRWA does not have a curriculum, nor does it...
Texts remain in UNRWA schools despite anti-incitement agreement
UNRWA agrees to an unprecedented new policy against incitement and violence. Will that policy hold?
On July 14, Philippe Lazzarini, UNRWA Commissioner-General of UNRWA. signed on to a new "memo of understanding" with the US government.
Support for hateful Palestinian textbooks undermines the antisemitism fight
After years of delay, the EU has finally released its much-anticipated report into the Palestinian Authority’s school curriculum which lifts the bonnet on the appalling material UK-funded teachers are delivering to Palestinian children day-in day-out.