Palestinians facing deep crisis and internal dissent amid US aid curbs

The Palestinian Authority is in deep crisis as the United States has sharply cut direct aid to the Palestinians and other assistance to them via the United Nations amid reports of misuse of funds...

Palestinian Elementary School Curriculum 2016–17: Radicalization and Revival of the PLO Program

The new Palestinian curriculum, which includes new textbooks for grades 1–4, is significantly more radical than previous curricula. To an even greater extent than the 2014–15 textbooks, the curriculum teaches students to be martyrs, demonizes and denies...

Lehrinstruktionen des UN-Palästinenser-Hilfswerks verbreiten Hass

Im Gegensatz zu den USA will Europa trotzdem weiter für die UNWRA zahlen, obwohl diese gegen die UN-Standards für Friedenserziehung verstößt. Der Arabist Dr. Arnon Groiss, vorher bei Israels öffentlich-rechtlicher Hörfunkanstalt Kol Israel, heute bei der Israel...

Why is it Important to Translate into German the Contents of Palestinian Authority Textbooks...

Germany, a democratic power in Europe with peace-oriented policy worldwide, is a principal donor state to both the Palestinian Authority (PA) and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) for the 1948 Palestinian...

Dalal al-Mughrabi – A Murderous Terrorist as a Role Model In Palestinian Authority Schoolbooks...

Research: Dr. Arnon Groiss (December 2019) Dalal al-Mughrabi was the commander of an 11-person group of Palestinian terrorists who landed in a boat on the beach of Maagan Michael natural reserve on Saturday afternoon, March...

Anti-Semitism in UNRWA Education

Introduction The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for the refugees of the 1948 war (UNRWA) provides educational services to school children registered as refugees in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, the West Bank (including East Jerusalem)...

Israel, judar och fred i texter som används av UNRWA-skolor

Vid en tidpunkt då UNRWA-utbildning diskuteras allmänt har Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research genom Dr. Arnon Groiss * sammanfattat sin 20-åriga studie av alla 1000 skolböcker som den palestinska myndigheten använt under...

Norway denies holding back funds: Feedback from Rep. Office of Norway to the Palestinian...

On 9 June 2020 I spoke to an official at the representative office of Norway to the PA about this article The official told me that it is not true and that Norway is not...

Israel Discloses Fatah Network

Israel has disclosed a network loyal to Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and assigned to destabilize Jerusalem. The Israel Security Agency reported the capture of a cell aligned with the Fatah movement headed by Abbas....

ספרי הלימוד של הרשות הפלסטינית (רש”פ): ההתייחסות ליהודים, לישראל ולשלום

תמצית מנהלים המחקר הנוכחי מכסה את כל ביטויי ההתייחסות ל"אחר" היהודי-ישראלי ולשלום עימו המצויים בספרי הלימוד העדכניים ביותר שיצאו לאור מטעם הרשות הפלסטינית לשימוש בכל בתיה"ס ביהודה, שומרון ורצועת עזה וכן בבתיה"ס שבמזרח ירושלים הפועלים...