State of Gush Katif, Northern Sinai and Northern Shomron Communities: Evacuee Update 2

Homesh On September 18 it was announced that more than 30 families from Homesh, northern Shomron, would be moving to temporary quarters at Yad Hana, a communist kibbutz. According to Menora Hazani, a community activist...

Report #13, November 4, 2005: State of Gush Katif, Northern Gaza and Northern Shomron...

Commissioned by Israel Resource News Agency and the Center for Near East Policy Research In this issue: Special Needs Children from Ir Haemuna Ir Haemuna Neve Dekalim Elei Sinai still at the Crossroads Moshav Katif -...

UNRWA Expands Refugee Status To Pets, Furniture

Jerusalem, December 19 – The United Nations agency tasked with caring for the descendants of Arab refugees from the 1948 war over Israel’s creation has broadened its unique definition of “refugee” to include the...

Roadblock to Peace, by David Bedein – A Text for the Jewish Council for... If you have not heard of, seen, or read the book, Roadblock to Peace, by David Bedein, do so immediately. It is a remarkable piece of work and essential reading for all those involved...

Germany has allocated funds to an UNRWA school in Gaza

Questions: Will Germany demand that UNRWA cancel military training in that UNRWA school? Will Germany demand  that UNRWA fire all teachers in that school who are affiliated with terror groups? Will Germany demand full transparency from UNRWA in the allocation...

Report #10: State of Evicted Residents of Gush Katif, Northern Gaza and Northern Shomron...

A member of Moshav Netzer Hazani, Hezi Hazani (no relation to the man for whom it was named), 53, dropped dead on Tuesday in the market place in Netivot, where he and his wife...

Report #11: State of [evicted ] Gush Katif, Northern Gaza and Northern Shomron Communities

Commissioned by Israel Resource News Agency and the Center for Near East Policy Research Update on the 30,000 shekel burial for Netzer Hazani victim As a result of this report, and the fact that the researcher...

Data Base – key articles on US military aid to Pal Security Services

Israel Resource Review PSF file THE ABU MAZEN DEFENSE FORCES By Amit Cohen and Barak Ravid Maariv Jericho Sun Oct 15 2006 IU.S.-backed militia to include terrorists 'We'll attack Israel,' says member of American armed, trained 'unified force' PM...

Crying Need for UNRWA to Come Clean on Gaza What’s worse than a United Nations agency that provides massive welfare and support services to a Palestinian enclave run by terrorists? Well, how about having that same agency run by a loquacious Swiss national who...